Pain and Panic

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Pain and Panic.
Pain and Panic.

Pain and Panic are a pair of demons in the Disney animated feature Hercules. Pain is a fat, pink demon, and Panic is skinny and blue. They are the minions of the film's villain, Hades, and serve primarily as comic relief. Pain is voiced by Bobcat Goldthwait and Panic by Matt Frewer.

Their names are probably inspired by the mythological sons of Ares: Deimos (dread) and Phobos (fear).

[edit] Personality and Abilities

Panic is paranoid and twitchy, just like his name. He is liable to panicing. Pain, on the other hand, is sly, and cunning, but also clumsy and liable to getting into painful situations. However, both appear to be inept and not too intelligent.

Both possess the ability to shapeshift, though this is slightly restricted in that their coloring often remains the same unless it's necessary to imitate something, suggesting that shape-shifting requires more concentration for the more intricate imitations. Pain's temporary imitation is usually fat, while Panic's is thin.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In the movie, Hades sends them to kidnap baby Hercules, make him mortal, and kill him. The two partially succeed by kidnapping Hercules and making him semi-mortal- Hercules became mortal, but kept his godlike strength, allowing him to dispose of the pair before they had a chance to kill him. Not wanting Hades to know about their failure, they tell him that Hercules is dead. Many years later Hades discovers that Hercules is actually alive and punishes the two. Throughout the rest of the movie, they're seen either cheering Hades' monsters on or using their shapeshifting powers to contact with Hades' spy, Meg. In the end of the movie, Hades is punched into the river Styx, and they are left behind thinking (and possibly hoping) that he won't return.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Other appearances

Pain and Panic also appear in the Hercules TV series, and still serve as Hades's lackeys. They made many brief appearances in the House of Mouse television series, usually along with Hades (though there was one episode in which they broke up Pinocchio and Jimminy Cricket without Hades' aid) and had a very small role in Kingdom Hearts II, where they are working for Hades and work at the Underdrome, but have no other purpose.