Pacific jack mackerel

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Pacific jack mackerel
Pacific jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus)
Pacific jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Carangidae
Genus: Trachurus
Species: T. symmetricus
Binomial name
Trachurus symmetricus
(Ayres, 1855)

The Pacific jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus, is a species of fish in the family Carangidae. It is common in the north-eastern Pacific, from south-east Alaska to southern Baja. It is a pelagic fish, often found in large schools. Young frequently school near kelp and under piers.

It grows up to 81 cm (32 in) long. It has a spinous dorsal fin slightly higher than its soft dorsal fin. Its pectoral fin ends before the front of the anal fin. It has scutes are located along the lateral line with the ones at the front smaller. The lateral line dips strongly at the end of the pectoral fin. In some large individuals, the last few rays at rear of soft dorsal and anal fins are almost entirely separate from the rest of the fin-like finlets.

Pacific jack mackerel are metallic blue to olive-green above; silvery below with a dark spot on upper rear of gill cover. The top of head and area near eye quite dark. Fins mostly clear, but caudal fin yellowish to reddish. They live in the upper part of the ocean, from the surface down to about 100 m. They feed on crustaceans, other pelagic organisms, and small fishes.

[edit] Commercial Use

A swirling mass of Pacific jack mackerel form a "bait ball" which draws feeding seabirds and marine mammals.

Pacific jack mackerel are fished commercially as well as for sport. They are often caught on baited hook from piers and boats, and also while salmon trolling. Commercial fishing occurs along the coast. Large individuals often move inshore and north in the summer.

Pacific jack mackerel is canned in the same manner as salmon. Fish are cleaned, gutted and finned, then packed into cans with salt and water. Pacific jack mackerel is almost as common as canned salmon in grocery stores. It is generally less expensive than salmon. In the past mackerel consumption was considered a sign of low income. In segregated Southern states, it was often associated with black Americans. Today, most of these stereotypes are gone.

Pacific jack mackerel tastes similar to canned salmon. It can be used interchangeably with salmon or tuna in recipes, but it may be safer to consume than tuna because it is a smaller fish and not a top predator, so it does not accumulate heavy metals such as mercury.

[edit] References