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I am one of Jesús Maria Sanromá's nephews. He lived with us whenever he was in Boston to perform at the Boston Symphony and the Boston Pops as well as at Jordon Hall at the NEC of Music. I have his father's obituary in my hand as I speak. It was published in the Boston Herald 5 days after he died. This obituary was written by Jesús Maria Sanromá and his brother, my father, Juan Sanroma. It is a sad day when someone writes a biography and "makes up" lies to the extent that has been done in the version by Marine 69-71 whose name is Tony Santiago. I can be reached at my e-mail address: All the members of Jesús Maria Sanromá's family are enraged at the inaccuracies in the biography and have asked me and my brother to make the proper corrections. The immediate members of Jesús Maria Sanromá's family include his wife and his four daughters. Also his niece and three nephews.

Please .............. Please Don't make up stories/lies/inaccuracies about Jesús Maria Sanromá, my uncle. If you do, I will change it back to the truth every time.

I can verify any and all details that I add/delete/change. I have original documents including passports, letters of authorization, etc, etc.

If this continues, "the introduction of lies/inaccuracies about Jesús Maria Sanromá", I will request that this page be shut down even it it takes a court order!!!

Pablo Sanromá

  • Pablo for me it is an honor to write to you. No, I'm not a lair nor do I make things up, I'm a respected member of the community. The information for the article had been retrieved from various sites which I cited, including the Puerto Rico Institute of Popular Culture. It wasn't my intention to offend anyone and if I did I'm truly sorry. Your version is the one that will stay. The reason that I wrote about your uncle is becuase I believe that the Anglos should know more about this wonderful person and his family. I am fascinated by the contrbutions made by the Sanroma family to Puerto Rico and society in general. I hope that you and your family forgive any inconvenience that this may have caused and that in the future I can count on you for furthur information. Yours truly, Tony Santiago a.k.a. Tony the Marine 19:53, 30 January 2006 (UTC)