Pablo Antón Marín Estrada

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Pablo Antón Marín Estrada (Sama, Langreo, 1966) is a Spanish writer in Asturian.

He studied philology and he is member of several organisations to promote the Asturian language. He founded the literary association El sombreru de Virxilio. He lives in Gijón.

[edit] Works

  • Blues del llaberintu (1989)
  • Les hores (1990)
  • Xente d'esti mundu y del otru (1992)
  • Esa lluz que nadie nun mata (1995)
  • Agua que pasa (1995)
  • Un tiempu meyor (1996)
  • La ciudá encarnada (1997)
  • Nubes negres (1998)

[edit] Prices

  • Abril de narrativa para jóvenes(2000), he was the first Spaniard who wan a national price with a novel written entirely in Asturian.

[edit] Links

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