User talk:P0rtu6a1

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America has often been called the “melting pot.” The name is derived from Americas rich tradition of opening its doors to immigrants from all over the world. These immigrants came to the United States looking for something better. Most of them did not possess wealth or power in their home countries. Most of them were not highly educated. Other than these few commonalities of what they didn’t possess, their backgrounds were vastly different. The thread however, that bound these immigrants together was their vision of improving their current situation.

Emma Lazarus, in a poem entitled “The New Colossus,” which is inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, tells of the invitation extended to those wanting to make America their home. “… Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, ….”(Encyclopedia Americano 1998, Vol. 25, 637)

Immigration before 1780

Many have accepted the invitation to make America their home. Most of the immigrants before 1780 were from Europe. The “melting pot” concept can be better understood by the following quote. “I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishmen and whose wife was Dutch, whose son married a French women, and whose four sons have wives of different nations.” (LUEDTKE, 1992, 3)

Recent Immigration

Recent immigration patterns have changed; the reasons have no Individuals and families still come to the United States with a vision of improving their lives. The backgrounds of today’s immigrants expand beyond the European borders. Today they come from all over the world. At a 198 oath-taking ceremony in Los Angeles, there were nearly a thousand individuals from the Philippines, 890from Mexico, 704 from Vietnam, 110 from Lebanon, 126 from the United Kingdom , and 62 from Israel. Although not as large number, there were also individuals from Lithuania, Zimbabwe, and Tanzan (Luedtke, 1992,3)

Dear Julie

It seems like years since we were in Ms. Gerhig’s keyboarding class. Now I wish I would have paid more attention. As I indicated on the phone, I am applying for a position as box office coordinator for one of the theaters on Broadway. Of course, I know the importance of having my letter of application and resume formatted correctly, but I’m not sure that I remember how to do it.

Since you just completed your business education degree, I knew where to get the help I needed. Thanks for agreeing to look over my application documents; they are enclosed. Also, if you have any suggestions for changes to the content, please share those with me too. This job is so important to me; it’s the only one I really want.

Thanks again for agreeing to help. If I get the job, I’ll take you out to one of New York’ s finest restaurants.


Rebecca Dunworthy


Dear Mr. Chaney

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak to our Aspiring Musicians Club. It was great learning more about the “Masters” from you.

I particularly enjoyed learning more about the German composers. It is that so many of the great musicians (Johann Sebastian Bach , Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn, and Richard Wagner) are all from Germany. It is my goal to continue my study of music at the Staatliche Hochschule fur Musik Rhineland in Germany once I graduate from college.

Your insights into what it takes to make it as a professional musician were also enlightening for our members. Those of us who want to become professional musicians know we have to rededicate ourselves to that goal if we are going to be successful.

Thank you again for sharing your expertise with our club.
