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Area: about 10 to 15 km²
Population: Uninhabited
Elevation: 421 m
Coordinates: 39.304 or 33°18'30" N
24.8105/24°6'40" E
Location: Ionian Islands, east of Ithaca and west of Aitoloakarnania
Range: none
Type: N/A

Oxeia (also Oxiés, Oxiá, or Oxia, Greek: Οξεία) is a Greek island. It is the chief island in the southern group (the Oxeiae) of the Echinades, part of the Ionian Islands. Oxeia possesses the highest point in the Echinades, 421 m. The mountain of the mainland with the Aitoloakarnania is to the northeast. Its length is around 5 km and its width is approximately 2 km and it has two mountains.

[edit] Panorama

The island can be seen as far as Aitoloakarnania, northern and western Achaia except for the plain area of northwestern Achaia, much of northern and northwestern Ilia, parts of Zakynthos, southeastern Kefalonia, Ithaca and southeastern Lefkada and its nearby islands and western and southern Aitoloakarnania.

[edit] External links

The municipality of Ithaca
Municipal districts on the island of Ithaca
Anogi | Exogi | Kioni | Lefki (Agios Ioannis) | Perachori | Platrithia (Frikes) | Stavros
Islands and islets outside the island
Apasa | Arkoudi | Atokos | Drakonera | Filippos | Girovaris | Kalogiros | Karlonisi or Karlonissi | Lamprinos | Lazareto | Makri | Modio | Oxeia | Petalas | Pistros | Pontiki | Praso | Prováti | Sofia | Soros | Tsakalonisio | Vromonas

The Echinades
Apasa | Arkoudi | Atokos | Drakonera | Filippos | Girovaris | Kalogiros | Karlonisi or Karlonissi | Lamprinos | Lazareto | Makri | Modio | Oxeia | Petalas | Pistros | Pontikos | Praso | Provati | Sofia | Soros
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