Overshooting top
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An overshooting top is a domed structure shooting out of the anvil of a thunderstorm, sometimes onto the stratosphere. They form when an updraft portrudes its equilibrium level. An overshooting top lasting for more than 10 minutes is a sign of a strong updraft in a thunderstorm and indicates that the storm will very likely have severe weather. If the overshooting top is continuous it means the storm is probably a strong supercell. If the overshooting top is rising and falling downstream then it could indicate that the storm is pulsing and not as strong as a storm with a continous overshooting top. During a violent tornado the overshooting top might roll over or fold over as new activity climbs up the back while the front of the overshooting top collpases into the storm. During a long-track tornado the whole top of the storm, including the overshooting top, might drop by thousands of feet.