Over Soul

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Over Soul is a technique used by the Shamanic protagonists, seen in the manga and anime Shaman King, by Hiroyuki Takei.

[edit] Introduction

Over Soul, or Spirit Control, is the most common Shamanic technique. The ability to master it is in itself the qualification to receive the Oracle Bell, and an entrance to the Shaman Fight.

It involves in summoning the Shaman's Guardian Spirit inside his Shamanic Focus (the weapon he's wielding). The Spirit will then wrap itself around it, giving it a distinct new shape and new powers. The effects of this technique will vary depending on the Shaman (to a lesser extent), the Spirit and more importantly the Focus used. Indeed, most of Yoh's group had a second focus, generally producing a more powerful Over Soul than their first (on the exception of Ryu and Chocolove)

Unlike Integration / Spirit Unity, which stops only when the Shaman can physically stand the fight no longer, the Over Soul drains a particular kind of energy : Furyoku. Depending on how much Furyoku the Shaman decides to unleash, the power of his blows will be stronger or weaker. Sometimes, his control over his Furyoku is out of his grasp : an angry Shaman will have more physical strength but will burn lot more of Furyoku than a completely calm one. Two examples of these effects are Yoh's fight against Faust VIII (where because of his anger he rapidly lost most of his Furyoku, but gave him the willpower to go on fighting) and the final duel between Ren and Yoh (where Yoh was completely calm, thus, more focused).

[edit] Shamans, Spirit and Mediums

Here is a short list of different types of Over Souls :

Asakura Yoh
Spirit companions:
Shamanic mediums:
  • "Harusame" katana
  • "Futsu-no-Mitama no Tsurugi" Antiquity
Over Soul Overview
  • Over Soul Amidamaru (オーバーソウル・阿弥陀丸)
    Initially, Yoh learns how to create the magical Over Soul indirectly during his battle with the Shaman Fight officiant, Sliva. By integrating Amidamaru's spirit with that of his sword (Harusame), Yoh forges his first Over Soul, dubiously dubbed "Over Soul: Amidamaru V.1". The fundamental purpose of this Over Soul is to augment the properties of his blade. Essentially, the more mana Yoh pumps into it, the greater the Over Soul sword becomes. The basic characteristics of this O.S. (Over Soul) bare similar resemblance to Amidamaru's Spirit Flame form, with the samurai's shoulder guard present while effigy of Amidamaru burns over Harusame. As Yoh progressed, the Amidamaru O.S. was able to materialize on a higher plane of existence; in a sense, evolving into what could be called "Over Soul: Amidamaru V.2". This progression allowed Amidamaru's shoulder guard and arm shield to materialize over Yoh's left arm, providing more protection. At this phase, Amidamaru could speak freely, even while in O.S. mode, being that Yoh unconsciously made this O.S. as manifestation of his will as well. However, the final progression of the Amidamaru O.S. came in complete materialization of Amidamaru, as witnessed during Yoh's final qualifying match with Tao Ren. This O.S. enabled Amidamaru to wield Harusame as he seen fit, as well as other capabilities.
  • Spirit of (the) Sword (スピリット・オブ・ソード以降)
    The Amidamaru O.S. would serve as Yoh's primary O.S. for the majority of the story. However, after studying the Chō Senji Ryakketsu with Anna, Yoh was able to forge his most revolutionary OS; Making use of the Futsu-no-Mitama no Tsurugi and the Amidamaru Over Soul (by this time, a seirei-class spirit), to create a double medium O.S., the gigantic "Spirit of (the) Sword." In essence, the "Spirit of the Sword" is a sword-shaped Over Soul which has command over any and all sword-techniques that Amidamaru has learned. Furthermore, Yoh can increase the length of the OS blade by transferring more mana into it.
  • Byakkou (白鳥)
    Formally christened the "Spirit of (the) Sword: Byakkou (スピリット・オブ・ソード以降: 白鳥)," this O.S. was created during Yoh's trials in the underworld. It's a double-medium Over Soul made in homage to Yoh's childhood affinity to the white swan. It's comprised of various, interchangeable panels of armor, which orbit Yoh for protection; responding in concert to every one of his movements. Much different from the normal Spirit of Sword still is how Yoh makes use of Harusame and the Futsu-no-Mitama no Tsurugi; creating the large Shirasaya sword weapon with Harusame, and the armor-like manipulator with the Budoyu Soul Sword. The unique construct of this O.S. creates a tremendous concentration of mana, giving the OS undeniable power. The panels of armor can also rearrange themselves, using the bridging flow of mana as a manipulator, of sorts. At times of attack, the sheer force of its mana causes it to resemble a swan, in wingspan.

Tao Ren

  • Spirit: Bason (Chinese Warlord)
  • Mediums: Kwan Dao (Chinese halberd), Bâo-Lèi (Jewel Thunder) Sword
  • Over Soul: Bason creates a golden, heavily armored spiked ball just at the base of the blade. His second medium, the heirloom of the Tao family, will gain the ability to launch weapons out of the ground to impale enemies (note: when Ren uses this technique, he already knew Giant Over Soul). In the manga, the Bâo-Lèi Sword has the ability to refine and strengthen spirits, and takes advantage of Bason's knowledge of weaponry to create a constantly evolving OS that can take the shape of any weapon Bason learned to use.

Horo Horo

  • Spirit: Kororo (Koropokkur / Minutian)
  • Mediums: Snowboard, Ikupasi
  • Over Soul: With the Snowboard, the black tribal markings will sprout a pair of eyes and a mouth, both belonging to the spirit within the board (Kororo). It will also be surrounded in an ice-blue halo. With the Ikupasi (a woodcut charm, typical of his folk), a six-bladed shield will be formed, in the same ice-blue tones and Kororo's eyes and mouth. He can also use it as a sword.


Ryu is one of the exceptions to the fact that all of Yoh's party have a second focus : instead, Ryu's Spirit will be able to become the Yamata No Orochi, giving his partner extra power and abilities.

  • Spirits: Tokagero (lizard-ninja and bandit), Tokagero in the shape of the Yamata no Orochi
  • Mediums: Wooden sword (hence his nickname, Bokuto no Ryu, or Ryu of the Wooden Sword)
  • Over Soul: With Tokagero, the sword is sometimes covered in purple flame, or has a larger version of Tokagero's green spirit ball near the base. When Ryu transforms Tokagero into Yamata no Orochi, his focus is covered in white, with the mighty snake's eight heads sprouting from the tip. He can also use a special O.S. called Super Oversoul Big Thumb, creating a thumb-shaped image of Tokagero's face over his sword. This is usually used for hitchhiking, and causes a driver named Billy Anderson to think Ryu is the legendary hitchhiker. He also has a larger O.S. called Oversoul Yamata no Orochi Go. This is similar to Ryu's Giant Over Soul in form.

Faust VIII

  • Spirit: Eliza (his deceased wife)
  • Mediums: Eliza's skeleton (or any other skeleton or skeletons), special scythe adapted with a Guillotine blade.
  • Over Soul: During his possession of a skeleton, it will be surrounded in a green aura. The more Furyoku Faust uses, the more the skeleton in question will regain its former appearance as a human. Thus, he can control a vast army of skeletons, by giving them the smallest amount of Furyoku. His special scythe will be wielded by the skeleton he controls, generally Eliza (though later he used it himself).


Chocolove is the second exception to the fact that Yoh's party have two Focuses. He claims to use Spirit Fusion : it actually consists of an Over Soul, but with the Shaman's body being the Focus (or so it is thought).

  • Spirit: Mic (Jaguar) pascal avaf ( indian spirit )
  • Mediums: His body, and especially his nails ( in the anime, he states "wire claws")
  • Over Soul (Spirit Fusion) : Chocolove's body is covered with black tribal markings, his nails become razor sharp claws made out of metal. He is covered with the typical Over Soul flame, an orange-yellow color one.

Lyserg Diethel

  • Spirit: Morphine (uncensored)/Chloe (censored) (Fairy)
  • Mediums: Radiesthesist's Pendulum
  • Over Soul: Chloe dons her flying glasses and physically goes inside Lyserg's pendulum, in a sort of pilot's cabin. Both the pendulum and the cable glow blue-grey, and can fly at will in defiance of gravity at great speed. The cable, highly infused with Furyoku, does significant damage on contact, even more so when it tightens around the enemy.

Manta Oyamada

Although Manta is not a Shaman, he managed to maintain Over Soul for a few minutes on several occasions after his encounter with Fudo and the Spirit Hunters, late in the series.

  • Spirit: Mosuke (Blacksmith and friend of Amidamaru)
  • Mediums: Hammer, laptop.
  • Over Soul: With the Hammer, it becomes unnaturally large and slightly transparent. With the computer, Manta wields a red and yellow hammer, much like Amy's one in the Sonic series. Mosuke will not however be able to get out of the laptop once inside, being unfamiliar with new technology.

Shaman King
Over Soul (Spirit Control)| Giant Over Soul (Giant Spirit Control) |Techniques of Shaman King
Asakura Family:Yoh Asakura | Anna Kyōyama | Kino Asakura | Yohmei Asakura | Hana Asakura | Yohken Asakura
Allies/Teammates: Horohoro (Trey Racer) | Manta Oyamada (Morty) | Chocolove McDaniel (Joco) | Faust VIII | "Wooden Sword" Ryu (Rio) | Tamao Tamamura (Tamara)
Spirits: Amidamaru | Bason | Lee Bailong | Tokagero
Native American Shamans: Silva | Kalim
Tao Family: Tao Jun (Jun) | Tao Ren (Len) | Tao Yúan (En)
X-Laws: Iron Maiden Jeanne | Lyserg Diethel | Marco
Enemies: Hao Asakura (Zeke) | The Hanagumi | Opacho
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