Outdoor activity

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Outdoor activities usually mean activities done in nature away from civilization, such as hill walking, trekking, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, caving, and arguably broader groups such as watersports and snowsport. Other similar activities include photography, biking, kayaking or just spending time with family.

Outdoor activities are practiced for the purposes of enjoying scenery and nature, relieving stress, finding peace in nature, enjoying life and relaxing. They are alternatives to expensive forms of tourism. Outdoor sport is also frequently used as an extremely effective medium in education and teambuilding.

Increasing interest in outdoor pursuits has given rise to corresponding commercial outlets. Media and retail outlets exist that cater to specific needs of outdoor activities practitioners. Specialized products are also developed.

The increased accessibility of outdoor pursuits resources has been the source of some negative press over the years also, with complaints of destroying the landscape. A widely-seen example is the destruction of hillsides as footpaths are eroded by excessive numbers of visitors.

Outdoor Activities Pursuits are a variety of self-initiated activities utilizing an interaction with the natural environment, that contain elements or real or apparent danger, in which the outcome, while uncertain, can be influenced by the participant and circumstance. They are human powered forms of outdoor recreation. They represent the self-propelled activities performed in outdoor settings. Environmental philosophy frequently accompanies outdoor pursuits.

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