Outcast (game)

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For other uses, see Outcast.
Outcast box art
Developer(s) Appeal
Publisher(s) Infogrames
Release date(s) July 31, 1999
Genre(s) Action-adventure
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) ESRB: T (Teen)
USK: 16+
OFLC: M15+
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
Media 2 CD-ROMs, 1 DVD
System requirements 200 MHz CPU, 32 MB RAM, 2 MB video card RAM, 4X CD-ROM drive, 600 MB available hard disk space, Windows 95
Input Keyboard, mouse

Outcast is an action-adventure computer game by Belgian developer Appeal, released in 1999 by publisher Infogrames.


[edit] Plot

In 2007 the U.S. government successfully sends a probe to an alien world in a parallel universe. The probe starts transmitting video images of the world back to Earth. Then, just minutes into the mission, an alien life form discovers the probe and damages it, causing an unforeseen backlash of energy to create a black hole threatening Earth. Cutter Slade, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, is given the job of escorting three scientists on a mission to this alien world to recover the probe and close the black hole.

Arriving in this alien world, Cutter is separated from the other scientists and is hailed by the natives as their messiah, the Ulukai.

[edit] Adelpha

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Adelpha is a world that is parallel to our own, and it is here that the action of Outcast takes place. The main population are the Talans, basically the parallel version of human beings. Their technology seems very primitive compared to our own; one could say theirs is rougly equivalent to what would have been found in Ancient China or medieval Europe.

[edit] Regions

Adelpha is broken up into several regions, which are hinted to be separated by large water masses. Transport between regions is ensured by gates known as Daokas, which allows its users to instantaneously teleport from one region to another.

An arid polar region, covered in snow, and the headquarters of the Dolotaï Guardians. Cutter's quest begins here.
A large area where Talans grow riss, a major nutrient for themselves. Unfortunately, they are forced to give away most of their production to Fae Rhan's army, and live under constant fear of being reverted should their production not meet the expected standards. This region notably has four temples, one for each of the Talan essences. The Temple of Fae lies at the center of the region, having been built larger by Fae Rhan after his arrival.
A desertic region, home to the only large city of Adelpha, Okriana. The city is broken up into several blocks named boks, each one dedicated to a certain kind of merchandise, such as meat, craftsmanship, pottery, fruit, and so on. Fae Rhan's colossal palace is at its center.
A region covered in marshes, also houses the small city of Cyana. One should tread lightly in this region, as the deep waters are infested by sannegtas (essentially the Adelphan version of sharks), and the shallows by dangerous carnivorous plants known as zeedogs, which can kill anything with one single bite.
A volcanic and arid region, with many lava pits, where Talans are forced to risk their lives to mine helidium for Fae Rhan's soldiers. There is virtually no flora in this region, save for a few cactus-like plants, and no fauna is to be spoken of, save perhaps for some gamors (which can be likened to coyotes or hyenas).
The ancient forest of Adelpha, where a barbaric tribe known as the Oogoobar live, and home to several old temples. This region also connects to Cutter's home world, and it is here all members of the expedition arrive, albeit knocked out.
Never seen in-game, this region houses all the female and child Talans of Adelpha. Male children only leave Kizaar when they are of age, to be converted to their adult form in Shamazaar, at the Well of Essences.

[edit] Fauna

Krakits are akin to giant spiders, make a very distinct sound allowing to hear them from afar, and attack by spewing acid.
Gamors could be likened to our world's hyenas. They look quite thin and underfed, and they are surprisingly intelligent, preferring to attack in packs and to surround their target. They are also surprisingly resilient, as even fire hardly seems to faze them.
The common fish of Adelpha, which also happens to be carnivorous. Much like our fish, they can be killed by being shot, or by having explosives blow up under water.
The Adelphan shark. It infests the deep waters of Okasankaar, and cannot seemingly be killed by any weapon in Cutter's arsenal. Sannegtas are known to be afraid of Gorgors, and ingenious Talans discovered that using feces (known as zort in Adelpha) of the beast will keep sannegtas at bay. As such, the Talans have set up floating barriers with zort to keep sannegtas away from Cyana. Sannegtas are also afraid of boats, so swimming close to one will keep one relatively safe.
A carnivorous plant that looks like a giant whip with a mouth at its end. Notoriously difficult to kill, the zeedog spits dangerous projectiles from afar at any potential victim, and gives a lethal bite should it come in range. When successfully killed, a zeedog drops a gland which contains an extremely sticky substance, which is used amongst other things to fix boats.
A legendary beast living on the aptly named Gorgor Island in Okasankaar. Essentially a carnivorous dinosaur, it is extremely fast and resilient to damage, and packs quite the powerful bite.
Another beast of legends which can be found in Okaar. It is basically a giant Frill-necked Lizard which lives underground, and supposedly has extraordinary hearing. If one treads too close to its lair, it will emerge from it, and spew extremely dangerous acid at any trespasser. Said acid, however, is known to be useful in cleaning old relics.

[edit] The Talans

[edit] Essences

The Talans are distinguished amongst themselves by the essence that they carry. When coming of age, a male child Talan will walk into the Well of Essences in Shamazaar, and one of the Yods (the Talan gods) will grant him his essence.

The essence of fire, it grants the Talan the ability to use specially crafted weaponry which no other Talan can use. At the time of Outcast, most of the Fae Talans are soldiers of Fae Rhan, but part of them work for the Dolotaï Guardians, helping Cutter in his quest.
The essence of earth. Gandha Talans make up the bulk of the working class, i.e. farmers, miners, and fishermen, but also surprisingly enough, engineers and crackpot inventors.
The essence of water. These Talans become artists, craftsmen, merchants, and recreators. Recreators are a very rare breed, and they have the power to synthesize ammunition for Cutter's weaponry using nothing but natural resources available in Adelpha.
The essence of wind, it is obviously the rarest essence ever to manifest. Ka Talans become shamaz, in other words healers. They can use their essence to cure and heal other Talans, as well as Cutter. There are seldom more than one shamaz per region, with Motazaar being the one exception during the events of Outcast. However, the youngest shamaz just converted at the time of the game, and it is plausible that he just needs to learn the ropes from the older shamaz before taking over his role completely.

Upon an unnatural death of a Talan, he is said to be reverted, and his essence can be seen leaving his body. When Talans die of natural causes, their essence is laid to rest through a specific ritual.

[edit] History

Most of the Talans, save for Fae Rhan's soldiers, seem to honor the sayings of the late prophet Kazar at the time of Cutter's arrival. Kazar preached harmony amongst all Talans, and was opposed to the needless use of violence. During most of Kazar's lifespan, Adelpha was in peace and balance.

One day, hinted to be several years after the appearance of Kazar, the being known as Fae Rhan arrived on Adelpha. He meets with Kroax, a Fae Talan who has long wanted to put Adelpha under his control, but has been unable to get any kind of leverage. Fae Rhan manages to coerce most Fae Talans to work for him by persuading them that they are a superior breed. It is also suggested that Fae Rhan found out that Fae Talans can use their essence to wield powerful helidium weapons to wreak havoc.

Kroax was at one point appointed commander-in-chief of Fae Rhan's army, and the latter enforced his newfound authority by setting up policies typical of a military dictatorship: farmers and fisherman were forced to give up nearly all their production to feed the soldiers, merchants were forced to pay inhumane taxes to boost the morale of the army, and miners were forced to mine for more helidium in order to maintain the weaponry in good shape.

Adelpha was thrown into chaos, and Kazar wanted to put an end to it. During a very rare event, the Ne Seyat (event where both moons of Adelpha eclipse its two suns), Kazar and Fae Rhan met up to discuss the future of Adelpha. This meeting ended up with Kazar being reverted by either Fae Rhan himself, or one of his soldiers.

With Kazar out of the way, Fae Rhan could finally rule on Adelpha. He ordered that the city of Okriana be built in the beautiful region of Talanzaar, and in a few years it became an enormous one. However, the Yods of Adelpha were not pleased with the dictatorship of Fae Rhan, and caused a massive sandstorm which lasted for weeks, effectively burying the city, and making Talanzaar a desert. Fae Rhan did not despair, however, and rebuilt the city, somewhat smaller than before, and had it surrounded by a wall to prevent the Yods from striking again.

The Dolotaï Guardians continued to preach the sayings of Kazar, who spoke of a messiah, Ulukaï, that would one day arrive on Adelpha to end the reign of terror of Fae Rhan and Kroax, and most Talans secretly await this moment.

It is around this time that Cutter Slade appears in Okaar. Found unconscious by Dolotaï Guardians, he is brought to their base in Ranzaar for resting. It is revealed to him that he is Ulukaï, the long-awaited savior that Kazar had expected.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Technology

[edit] Graphics engine

Outcast screen capture
Outcast screen capture

The game uses a voxel engine to render its objects and textures. This unique method is purely software-based; it does not rely on any hardware-acceleration via a graphics card. A voxel engine was chosen because there is no performance hit when rendering round or curved surfaces, thus allowing for a much more detailed Landscape. Had the same level of detail seen in Outcast been attempted on a hardware-accelerated polygon engine, there would have been a significant drop in performance.

Voxels offered good picture quality without requiring advanced graphics hardware, a happy medium between software rendering and hardware-acceleration. As a result, the graphics were considered beautiful and well ahead of their time upon Outcasts release, thanks to effects such as depth of field, bump-mapping and anti-aliasing, all of which would have crippled even the most advanced graphics card of the era.

The disadvantage of this type of CPU-intensive software-rendering was that Outcast required an extremely powerful CPU (nothing but the most powerful Intel Pentium III processors of the time, in the 500-600 MHz range) and massive amounts of RAM (128 megabytes was recommended) to run at full speed and maximum resolution (512x384). However, these considerations can now be safely ignored, as even low-budget PCs of today fulfill those requirements.

[edit] Artificial intelligence

The AI used in Outcast was considered revolutionary at the time it was released[1]. It was based on a proprietary engine codenamed GAIA, for Game Artificial Intelligence with Agents, which was composed by a set of C++ libraries that provided sophisticated control of game characters based on research in distributed AI. Intelligence is represented as a distributed activity over a set of autonomous routines called agents. An agent uses skills, such as hearing, sight, acrobatic, to complete assigned tasks. These agents can interact and even compete with each other to realize a complex task.

[edit] Sequel

A sequel, Outcast II[2] was originally being developed for Sony's PlayStation 2 console. During development, the company Appeal went bankrupt and development ceased. Appeal had been requesting funds from their publisher to help finish the game for release but this plea fell on deaf ears.

The Eternal Outcasts [3] are developing a free sequel called Open Outcast using the Crystal Space 3D engine.

A Dreamcast port of the original was also planned[4], but was shelved when the PC version failed in the marketplace.

[edit] Playing Outcast today

Today's fast computers may cause unexpected glitches in the game, such as rendering the player character unable to run on certain surfaces, or loading errors such as "Bad audio tracks" that stop the soundtrack from playing. To prevent these, one can use a program such as CPU Grabber to artificially prevent Outcast from using all the processing power. For reference, on an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ processor, setting CPU Grabber to grab 55 % of the processor is generally enough to prevent these kinds of glitches. If using such a program to prevent glitches that occur when the game is loading, you can Alt+Tab out of the running game and disable the program, or leave just enough processing power restriction to overcome in-game glitches.

Several patches are available to solve certain bugs relating to modern hardware. Patch 1 solves a problem installing the game with a modern DirectX version present, patch 3 solves ingame bugs and should be applied after installation. Also an unofficial resolution patch is available to play the game at 640x480. The resolution patch/loader was created for Windows 98 and requires gamers on Windows XP or later to run Outcast executables (oc1|2|3.exe) in Windows 98 compatibility mode, an option found in the exe files' properties window.

[edit] Trivia

  • After Outcast was released, developer Appeal published a series of short films on its Web site, called "Outcast Outtakes". It was essentially a series of in-game recordings which were made to poke fun at itself, such as Cutter making an advertisement for his backpack that acts much like a magic satchel, by showcasing that he could store house furniture such as doors and chairs in it, or extra scenes involving Nikaa, a Talan whose sex remains under debate to this day. These films were made purely for fun, and do not exist in the game itself.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
  • In Okriana, the player can sometimes hear the The Throne Room/End Title track from Star Wars be played by a Talan. When questioned, the latter will answer that he is playing "Kazar's Harmony". This is likely the first hint the player can get about the fact that the legendary prophet Kazar is someone from Kauffmann's expedition.
Spoilers end here.

[edit] External links

[edit] Official websites

[edit] Fan-sites

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