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Rahimjon Otaev
Born: 1949
Chipon Village, Turkistan
Occupation: Writer, Translator,

Rahimjon Otaev (Otauli) (born in 1949 in Chipon village of Turkistan district of Chimkent province) is a famous writer, translator, publicist and critic. In 1973 he graduated from the philology department of Tashkent State University (present Uzbekistan National University). He has worked as a teacher in secondary school, as a methodist in the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan and as a consultant editor in the Republican Agency of Press and News. Since 1983 he has been working in the Union of Writers.

There have been published Otauli's philosophical essay The sky full of stars in 1983, a collection of essays and stories Melodies of Surnay in 1991, the novels Mystery of mysteries (Turkistan epos) in 1994, Messenger (Afandi will not die) in 1999 and The Order of Time in 2006. There have also been published many essays, stories, narrations, publicistic and literary-critical articles in newspapers and journals. He has translated into Uzbek the novel Shurabad of the Iranian author Muhammad Ali Jamolzoda from Russian, the essays Song of existence of Muhtor Magavin and Poygaturiq of Abish Kekilbaev from Kazakh, several works of Tulapbergan Qaipberganov and Ollonazar Abdiev from Karakalpak.

The writer was awarded by annual prize of the journal Sharq yulduzi in 1984 for his publicistic article Most enigmatic sense and by Alp Jamol prize of the Writers' Union in 1995 for the novel Mystery of mysteries (Turkistan epos). In 2000 he was awarded by Shuhrat medal.

You can find additional information about the writer in the following website: http://faruhjon.narod.ru

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