Oswaldo López Arellano

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Oswaldo López-Arellano (30 June 1921 - ) was twice President of Honduras from 1963-1971 and 1972-1975. He gained power by military force.

He was born in Danlí, Honduras to an influential family, son of Enrique Lopez and Carlota Arellano. He attended the "American School of Tegucigalpa" where he learned to speak fluent English. He joined the Honduran army at eighteen, graduated as a pilot from the Honduran Air Force School, and spent 1942-1945 in Arizona studying mechanical aviation. López-Arellano served as a colonel for a long time and eventually rose to the rank of general. He married Gloria Figueroa and they had five children: Gloria Carolina, Oswaldo, Enrique, Leonel and Jose Luis.

López-Arellano served briefly on a military junta during 1957, which resigned after elections were held. He served as President for the first time from October 3, 1963 till June 7, 1971. He took office when he seized power in a military coup 10 days before presidential elections were due. He then allowed further elections to take place in April 1971 that saw Ramón Ernesto Cruz Uclés come to power. On December 4, 1972 López-Arellano again seized power.

In 1975, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission exposed a scheme by United Brands Company to bribe Honduran President López-Arellano with $1.25 million, with the promise of another $1.25 million upon the reduction of certain banana export taxes. Trading in United Brands stock was halted, and on April 22, 1975 López-Arellano was ousted in a military coup lead by his fellow General Juan Alberto Melgar Castro. This scandal is known in Honduras as "Bananagate".

López-Arellano is now a retired businessman. He was the owner of TAN-SAHSA, the now bankrupt Honduran Airlines. He is still (2006) living in Honduras. His older son, with his same name, died in 1996.

[edit] References

  • Pauly, David and Thomas, Rich (1975) "The Great Banana Bribe" Newsweek April 21, 1975, p. 76;

[edit] See also