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Orizona is a small town and municipality in Goiás state, Brazil. Orizona is large producer of Cachaça (IPA: [ˌkaˈʃasɐ]) (also called pinga, caninha, aguardente, cana, or ) a rum like drink Cachaça is often said to differ from rum in that it is made from sugarcane juice while rum is made from molasses.

  • Population (2005): 13,440
  • Municipal area (2002): 1,972.8 km²
  • Elevation: 806 meters
  • Became a city: 1906
  • Postal code: 75280-000


[edit] Location

Orizona is 138 km from the state capital of Goiânia, 200 km from Brasília, 150 from Catalão and 260 from Uberlândia, which is located in the rich Triângulo Mineiro of Minas Gerais. It is part of the Pires do Rio Microregion. [1]

Highway connections from Goiânia are made by BR-357 / GO-010 / Bonfinópolis / Vianópolis / GO-330. [2]

It borders Silvânia, Luziânia, Cristalina, Pires do Rio, Ipameri, Urutaí and Vianópolis. Orizona has the largest extension of marked trails in Goiás. Out of 611 in all the state 70 can be found here.[3]

[edit] Political information=

In January 2005 the Mayor was Itamar Dias Teixeira. The city council had 9 members and there were 10,795 eligible voters in April 2006.

[edit] Demographic information

In 2005 the population density was 6.81 inhab/km². In 2003 there were 6,683 inhabitants in the urban area and 6,568 inhabitants in the rural area. The population has grown by about a thousand inhabitants since 1980.

[edit] Economic information

Orizona has been prospering with the production of high quality Cachaça made from sugarcane, which is exported to several countries. There are about 30 small rum distilleries in the town.

Crossed by state highway GO-330 and several municipal roads, and bathed by the Corumbá and Piracanjuba rivers, the main economic activities of the area are the growing of corn, soybeans, rice sugarcane, and dairy cattle. There are several milk processing factories that receive over a million liters a day. Orizona is the third largest producer of milk in the state and first in productivity. Out of a total of two thousand milk producers, about 90% are small farmers. In addition, there are brickworks and mining companies that extract phosphates and sand.

In 2005 there were 22 industrial units and 134 retail units. There was an industrial park. There were 2 dairies: Laticínios JL Ltda. - COAPRO - Cooperativa Agropecuária de Produtos Rurais de Orizona Ltda. In June 2005 there were 2 financial institutions: Banco Itaú S.A. - Banco do Brasil S.A.

Sectors employing the workers were: agriculture--215 workers; transformation industries--180 workers; commerce--325 workers; and public administration--530 workers.

In 2004 there were 1,147 automobiles in the city.

In 2004 there were 117,000 head of cattle, 910,400 head of poultry, and 9,600 head of swine. The main agricultural products were sugarcane, coffee, passion fruit, hearts of palm, rice, beans, manioc, corn (32.5 km²), soybeans (250 km²) and sorghum (15 km²).

[edit] Health and education

In 2003 there was 1 hospital with 50 beds and 12 walk-in health clinics. There were 11 doctors, 1 nurse, 5 dentists, 15 technicians, and 10 nursing assistants. In 2000 the infant mortality rate was 19.70, well below the national average of 33.0.

In 2005 the school system had 16 schools, 129 classrooms, 255 teachers, and 3,856 students. Nine of the schools were middle schools with an enrollment of 754 students. The adult literacy rate was 89.4%, above the national average of 86.4%.

Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 70.6
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.883
  • School attendance rate: 0.788
  • MHDI: 0.768
  • State ranking: 42 (out of 242 municipalities)
  • National ranking: 1,380 (out of 5,507 municipalities)

(All data are from 2000)

For the complete list see Frigoletto.com

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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