Orion Pirates

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This is an article about the Orions as they exist in the Star Fleet Universe and not in various canon Star Trek sources. If you are seeking information about mainstream Star Trek, see the above link.

Orion Pirates
Pirate Symbol
Pirate Symbol
Government: (allegedly) controlled by Orion planetary government (the Capital Cartel, at least)
Capital: Orion (for Capital Cartel, others scattered across the Octant)
Known Species: Orions (And just about anybody who wants to join)
Affiliation: Unaligned (Orion itself is nominally part of the Federation)
An 'ethnic Orion' Pirate.
An 'ethnic Orion' Pirate.

In the fictional Star Fleet Universe, the Orion Pirates represent the overall structure of organized crime (largely involved in piracy and smuggling) throughout the Alpha Octant of the Milky Way Galaxy. There are a number of rival Cartels, independent operators with diverse spheres of influence, that use the same types of ships, and are considered 'Orion Pirates'. However, while the origins of the Orion Pirates stemmed from the adoption of piracy by ships from the Orion National Guard, the majority of crewmwmbers on 'Orion' ships are not racially Orion, but draw their ranks from almost every star-faring species in the Octant.


[edit] The Orion Enclave

Orion itself is a member of the Federation, albeit one which gained unprecented leeway in terms of its obligations to the UFP. This was in no small part due to the military and economic situation the Federation was in at the time of membership, as it was deeply embroiled in the first Federation-Romulan War and needed Orion's forces to tip the balance in their favour.

Examples of these concessions include the exclusive rights of the Orion National Guard fleet in the patrol and defence of the Cluster (The Federation Police are forbidden from operatign within Enclave space) and the right of Orion to secede and declare neutrality in the event of foreign invasion. This clause was invoked in the General War, when the Klingons managed to reach the frontiers of the Enclave during their massive invasion of the UFP in Y171. The Orions retained neutrality until the success of Operation Wedge, when Star Fleet forced the Coalition powers from the Orion Enclave's borders.

[edit] The Orion Cartels

It is generally believed that the Orion Pirates got started in Y113, when a sizeable portion of Orion's National Guard fleet mutinied and took up piracy as a vocation. It has been rumoured that this event was with the secret support of the Orion government, which officially denied any such links. If there were any such connections with some Cartels, it is unlikely that Orion would have links with the many Cartels in operation by the time of the General War.

As of Y175, eleven major Cartels were known to be in operation:

  • The Capital Cartel, operating in Federation space, including the ares aurrounding Orion itself,
  • The Cirentus-Ta Cartel, active in the ISC and the Romulan Empire,
  • The Cluster Cartel, operating out of a base in the WYN Cluster, striking at Klingon, Lyran and Kzinti targets,
  • The Daven Cartel, in Hydran, Lyran, LDR, Klingon, Kzinti and Federation territory,
  • The Hamilcar Cartel, in Hydran, Klingon and Federation space,
  • The Kublai Cartel, in ISC, Gorn and Romulan space,
  • The Lion Cartel, in Federation and Kzinti space,
  • The Penzance Cartel, in Federation and Romulan territory,
  • The Pharaoh Cartel, in Klingon, Federation and Romulan space,
  • The Star Cartel, Federation, Gorn and Romulan space,


  • The Omega Cartel, in ISC and Gorn space.
Part of the article series on
Star Fleet Universe
Star Fleet Battles
Federation Commander
Federation and Empire
Prime Directive (role-playing game)
Star Fleet Battle Force
General War (game)
Star Trek: Starfleet Command
Star Trek Starfleet Command II: Empires at War
Star Trek Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates
Starline 2400
Captain's Log
Star Fleet Universe
Alpha Octant
Federation Kzintis Hydrans Gorns Tholians
Klingons Lyrans Romulans Seltorians
Unaligned (Alpha)
Orion Pirates Interstellar Concordium WYN LDR
Vudar Jindarians Carnivons Paravians
Andromedan Invaders
Omega Octant
Small Magellanic Cloud
Xorkaelian Empire
Ship Class Types
Capital Weapons
Early Years
General War

Note that the Tholian Holdfast is conspicuous in its successes against Orion activity, and no Cartel lays claim over space within Tholian borders. (That doesn't stop them from trying, though.)

The Orion Pirates operate a number of scattered, hidden bases to support their operations. One major base and shipyard is known to be in the WYN Cluster, which is paid for by supplying ships to the Cluster government itself. This shipyard was eventually used to construct a new series of WYN warships, known in the Federation as the 'fish ships' (due to the codenames given them by Star Fleet).

[edit] The Throne of Ozymondas

When Aurora III vanished from the Alpha Octant in Y130, an Orion vessel was caught up in the enveloping cosmic storm and transported to the Omega Octant along with everything else in the system. Offering its services to the nascent Republic of Aurora (later Federal Republic), the Throne became perhaps the most famous vessel in the Republic, more than compensating for any past crimes against the Federation before the arrival in Omega. (Indeed, its first scouting run was for free, in exchange for an amnesty for their previous actions.) It gathered information on other Omega races and technologies, and gradually gained a highly diverse group of races for its crewmembers, due to its open recruitment on Aurora during its stopovers insystem.

[edit] References