Orientalium Ecclesiarum
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Orientalium Ecclesiarum is the Decree on the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite from the Second Vatican Council. One of the shorter such documents, it was passed by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,110 to 39 and promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 21, 1964. The name means "Eastern Churches" in Latin, and is taken from the first line of the decree, as is customary with Roman Catholic official documents. The decree recognizes the right of Eastern Catholics to keep their own distinct liturgical practices.
The document specifies some of the autonomous powers of the Eastern Churches. In particular, the Patriarch (or where applicable, major archbishop) and synod have the power to establish eparchies, to nominate bishops within their patriarchate, to legislate the rights and obligations of the minor orders (including subdiaconate), and to determine the date for celebrating Easter within their rite. It furthermore recognized the ancient practice in the East regarding the sacrament of confirmation (Chrismation), stating that all Eastern priests have the power to administer this sacrament using chrism blessed by a bishop.
[edit] Contents
The numbers given correspond to the section numbers within the text.
- Preamble (1)
- The Individual Churches or Rites (2-4)
- Preservation of the Spiritual Heritage of the Eastern Churches (5-6)
- Eastern Rite Patriarchs (7-11)
- The Discipline of the Sacraments (12-18)
- Divine Worship (19-23)
- Relations with the Brethren of the Separated Churches (24-29)
- Conclusion (30)