Orders of magnitude (time)

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Orders of magnitude
angular velocity
specific heat capacity
Conversion of units
physical unit
SI base unit
SI derived unit
SI prefix
Planck units

[edit] Seconds

Orders of magnitude (time)
Factor (s) Multiple common units orders of magnitude
10−44 Planck time, the shortest physically meaningful instant of time ≈ 5.4×10−44 s 10−44 s
10−24 1 yoctosecond -- 1 ys and less, 10 ys, 100 ys
10−21 1 zeptosecond -- 1 zs, 10 zs, 100 zs
10−18 1 attosecond The current shortest measurable period of time (as of February 2004) is 100 attoseconds. 1 as, 10 as, 100 as
10−15 1 femtosecond -- 1 fs, 10 fs, 100 fs
10−12 1 picosecond -- 1 ps, 10 ps, 100 ps
10−9 1 nanosecond Time to execute one instruction in a personal computer; light travels 12 inches
second = 1000000000 nanosecond
1 ns, 10 ns, 100 ns
10−6 1 microsecond sometimes abbreviated as "us" or "usec" 1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs
10−3 1 millisecond blink of an eye ~ 50 to 80 ms 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms
100 1 second minute = 60 s 1 s, 10 s, 100 s
103 1 kilosecond
(16.7 minutes)
hour = 3600 s
day = 86 400 s = 86.4 ks
week = 604.8 ks
103 s, 104 s, 105 s
106 1 megasecond
(11.6 days)
month = 2.6 x 106 s
year = 31.6 Ms = 107.50 s ≈ π x 107 s
106 s, 107 s, 108 s
109 1 gigasecond
(32 years)
century = 3.16 Gs ≈ π×109 s
millennium = 31.6 Gs ≈ π×1010 s
109 s, 1010 s, 1011 s
1012 1 terasecond
(32 000 years)
eon = 31.6 Ts ≈ π×1013 s 1012 s, 1013 s, 1014 s
1015 1 petasecond
(32 million years)
aeon = 31.6 Ps ≈ π×1016 s
4.3×1017 s ≈ 13.7 billion years, the approximate age of the universe
1015 s, 1016 s, 1017 s
1018 1 exasecond
(32 billion years)
-- 1018 s, 1019 s, 1020 s
1021 1 zettasecond
(32 trillion years)
-- 1021 s, 1022 s, 1023 s
1024 1 yottasecond
(32 quadrillion years)
-- 1024 s, 1025 s, 1026 s and more

[edit] Years

Orders of magnitude (time)
Factor (a) Multiple common units orders of magnitude
10−50 Planck time, the shortest physically meaningful instant of time ≈ 1.71×10−50 a 10−50 a
10−24 1 yocto-annum -- 1 ya and less, 10 ya, 100 ya
10−21 1 zepto-annum -- 1 za, 10 za, 100 za
10−18 1 atto-annum -- 1 aa, 10 aa, 100 aa
10−15 1 femto-annum -- 1 fa, 10 fa, 100 fa
10−12 1 pico-annum -- 1 pa, 10 pa, 100 pa
10−9 1 nano-annum 1 second = 3.17 × 10-8 a ≈ 10-7.50 a 1 na, 10 na, 100 na
10−6 1 micro-annum 1 minute = 1.90 × 10-6 a
1 hour = 1.40 × 10-4 a
1 ua, 10 ua, 100 ua
10−3 1 milli-annum 1 day = 2.73 × 10-3 a
1 week = 1.91 × 10-2 a
1 ma, 10 ma, 100 ma
100 1 annum year = 1 annum
decade = 10 anna
century = 100 anna
1 a, 10 a, 100 a
103 1 kilo-annum millennium = 1000 anna 103 a, 104 a, 105 a
106 1 mega-annum eon = 1,000,000 anna 106 a, 107 a, 108 a
109 1 giga-annum aeon = 1,000,000,000 anna
1.37×1010 a ≈ 13.7 billion years, the approximate age of the universe
109 a, 1010 a, 1011 a
1012 1 tera-annum --- 1012 a, 1013 a, 1014 a
1015 1 peta-annum --- 1015 a, 1016 a, 1017 a
1018 1 exa-annum -- 1018 a, 1019 a, 1020 a
1021 1 zetta-annum -- 1021 a, 1022 a, 1023 a
1024 1 yotta-annum -- 1024 a, 1025 a, 1026 and more

The pages linked in the right-hand column contain lists of times that are of the same order of magnitude (power of ten). Rows in the table represent increasing powers of a thousand (3 orders of magnitude).

Conversion from year to second is year × 31 557 600 using the Julian year. Conversion from log10year to log10second is approximately log10year + 7.50. Example conversion; 1year = 100year = 100 + 7.50seconds = 100.50 + 7s = 3.16 * 107s.

[edit] See also

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