Order of battle at Jutland

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This is the complete order of battle for the Battle of Jutland in 1916. Note: dates given are those of commissioning.


[edit] Royal Navy Ensign British forces

[edit] The Battle Fleet

  • First Battle Squadron
    • Marlborough (Flagship of Vice-Admiral Sir Cecil Burney; Captain G. P. Ross; Iron Duke-class battleship; 1914; ten 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 25,000 tons)
    • Revenge (Captain E. B. Kiddle; Revenge-class battleship; 1916; eight 15 inch (380 mm) guns, 25,750 tons)
    • Hercules (Captain L. Clinton-Baker; Colossus-class battleship; 1911; ten 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 20,000 tons)
    • Agincourt (Captain H. M. Doughty; non-typical battleship; 1914; fourteen 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 27,500 tons)
    • Colossus (Flagship of Rear Admiral E. F. A. Gaunt; Captain A. D. P. R. Pound; Colossus-class battleship; 1911; ten 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 20,000 tons)
    • Collingwood (Captain J. C. Ley; St Vincent-class battleship; 1910; ten 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 19,250 tons)
    • St Vincent (Captain W. W. Fisher; St Vincent-class battleship; 1910)
    • Neptune (Captain V. H. G. Bernard; Neptune-class battleship; 1911; ten 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 19,900 tons)
  • Second Battle Squadron
    • King George V (Flagship of Vice Admiral Sir Martyn Jerram; Captain F. L. Field; King George V-class battleship; 1913; ten 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 23,000 tons)
    • Ajax (Captain G. H. Baird; King George V-class battleship; 1913)
    • Centurion (Captain M. Culme-Seymour; King George V-class battleship)
    • Erin (Captain the Honourable V. A. Stanley; non-typical battleship; 1914; ten 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 23,000 tons)
    • Orion (Flagship of Rear Admiral A. C. Leveson; Captain O. Backhouse)
    • Monarch (Captain G. H. Borrett; Orion-class battleship; 1912; ten 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 22,500 tons)
    • Conqueror (Captain H. H. D. Tothill; Orion-class battleship)
    • Thunderer (Captain J. A. Fergusson; Orion-class battleship)
  • Fourth Battle Squadron
    • Iron Duke (Fleet Flagship of Admiral Sir John Jellicoe; Captain Frederic Dreyer; Iron Duke-class battleship; 1914; ten 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 25,000 tons)
    • Royal Oak (Captain C. Maclachlan; Revenge-class battleship; 1916; eight 15 inch (380 mm) guns, 25,750 tons)
    • Superb (Flagship of Rear Admiral A. L. Duff; Captain E. Hyde-Parker; Bellerophon-class battleship; 1909; ten 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 18,600 tons)
    • Canada (Captain W. C. M. Nicholson; Iron Duke-class battleship; 1914)
    • Benbow (Flagship of Vice Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee; Captain H. W. Parker; Iron Duke-class battleship; 1914)
    • Bellerophon (Captain E. F. Bruen; Bellerophon-class battleship)
    • Temeraire (Captain E. V. Underhill; Bellerophon-class battleship)
    • Vanguard (Captain J. D. Dick; Bellerophon-class battleship)
  • Third Battlecruiser Squadron (temporarily attached to Grand Fleet)
    • Invincible (Flagship of Rear Admiral the Honourable H. L. A. Hood ; Captain A. L. Cay; Invincible-class battlecruiser; 1908; eight 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 17,250 tons)
    • Inflexible (Captain E. H. F. Heaton-Ellis; Invincible-class battlecruiser)
    • Indomitable (Captain F. W. Kennedy; Invincible-class battlecruiser)
  • First Cruiser Squadron (armoured cruisers)
    • Defence (Flagship of Rear Admiral Sir Robert Arbuthnot; Captain S. V. Ellis; Minotaur-class cruiser; 1908; four 9.2 inch (230 mm) guns + ten 7.5 inch (190 mm) guns, 14,600 tons)
    • Warrior (Captain V. B. Molteno; Warrior-class cruiser; 1907; six 9.2 inch (230 mm) guns + four 7.5 inch (190 mm) guns, 13,550 tons)
    • Duke of Edinburgh (Captain H. Blackett; Duke of Edinburgh-class cruiser; 1905; six 9.2 inch (230 mm) guns + ten 6 inch (200 mm) guns, 13,550 tons)
    • Black Prince (Captain T. P. Bonham; Duke of Edinburgh-class cruiser; 1905)
  • Second Cruiser Squadron (armoured cruisers)
    • Minotaur (Flagship of Rear Admiral H. L. Heath; Captain A. C. S. H. D'Eath; Minotaur-class cruiser; 1908; four 9.2 inch (230 mm) guns + ten 7.5 inch (190 mm) guns, 14,600 tons)
    • Shannon (Captain J. S. Dumaresq; Minotaur-class cruiser; 1908)
    • Hampshire (Captain H. J. Savill; Devonshire-class cruiser; 1905; four 7.5 inch (190 mm) guns + six 6 inch (200 mm) guns, 10,850 tons)
    • Cochrane (Captain E. La T. Leatham; Warrior-class cruiser; 1907; six 9.2 inch (230 mm) guns + four 7.5 inch (190 mm) guns, 13,550 tons)
  • Fourth Light Cruiser Squadron
    • Calliope (Commodore C. E. Le Mesurier)
    • Constance (Captain C. S. Townsend)
    • Caroline (Captain H. R. Crooke)
    • Royalist (Captain the Honourable H. Meade)
    • Comus (Captain A. G. Hotham)
  • Attached light cruisers mainly for repeating signals between units of Battle Fleet
    • Active (Captain P. Withers)
    • Bellona (Captain A. B. S. Dutton)
    • Blanche (Captain J. M. Casement)
    • Boadicea (Captain L. C. S. Woollcombe)
    • Canterbury (Captain P. M. R. Royds)
    • Chester (Captain R. N. Lawson)
  • Eleventh Destroyer Flotilla
    • Castor (light cruiser) (Commodore J. R. P. Hawksley)
    • Kempenfelt
    • Magic
    • Mandate
    • Manners
    • Marne
    • Martial
    • Michael
    • Milbrook
    • Minion
    • Mons
    • Moon
    • Morning Star
    • Mounsey
    • Mystic
    • Ossory
  • Twelfth Destroyer Flotilla
    • Faulknor (Captain A. J. B. Stirling)
    • Maenad
    • Marksman
    • Marvel
    • Mary Rose
    • Menace
    • Mindful
    • Mischief
    • Munster
    • Narwhal
    • Nessus
    • Noble
    • Nonsuch
    • Obedient
    • Onslaught
    • Opal
  • Miscellaneous ships
    • Abdiel (Minelayer)
    • Oak (Destroyer tender to the fleet flagship)

[edit] The Battlecruiser Fleet

  • Flagship
    • Lion (Flagship of Vice Admiral Sir David Beatty; Captain A. E. M. Chatfield; Lion-class battlecruiser; 1912; eight 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 26,270 tons)
  • First Battlecruiser Squadron
    • Princess Royal (Flagship of Rear Admiral O. de B. Brock; Captain W. H. Cowan; Lion-class battlecruiser; 1912; eight 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 26,270 tons)
    • Queen Mary (Captain C. I. Prowse; Lion-class battlecruiser; 1913; eight 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns, 27,000 tons)
    • Tiger (Captain H. B. Pelly; Tiger-class battlecruiser; 1914; 8 guns 343mm, 28,500 tons)
  • Second Battlecruiser Squadron
    • New Zealand (Flagship of Rear Admiral W. C. Pakenham; Captain J. F. E. Green; Indefatigable-class battlecruiser; 1911; eight 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 18,800 tons)
    • Indefatigable (Captain C. F. Sowerby; Indefatigable-class battlecruiser)
  • Fifth Battle Squadron (fast battleships — 23 knots (43 km/h) — temporarily attached to the battlecruiser fleet)
    • Barham (Flagship of Rear Admiral H. Evan-Thomas; Captain A. W. Craig; Queen Elizabeth class battleship; 1915; eight 15 inch (380 mm) guns, 27,500 tons)
    • Valiant (Captain M. Woollcombe; Queen Elizabeth class battleship)
    • Warspite (Captain E. M. Philpotts; Queen Elizabeth class battleship)
    • Malaya (Captain the Honourable A. D. E. H. Boyle; Queen Elizabeth class battleship)
  • First Light Cruiser Squadron
    • Galatea (Commodore E. S. Alexander-Sinclair)
    • Phaeton (Captain J. E. Cameron)
    • Inconstant (Captain B. S. Thesiger)
    • Cordelia (Captain T. P. H. Beamish)
  • Second Light Cruiser Squadron
    • Southampton (Commodore W. E. Goodenough)
    • Birmingham (Captain A. A. M. Duff)
    • Nottingham (Captain C. B. Miller)
    • Dublin (Captain A. C. Scott)
  • Third Light Cruiser Squadron
    • Falmouth (Flagship of Rear Admiral T. D. W. Napier; Captain J. D. Edwards)
    • Yarmouth (Captain T. D. Pratt)
    • Birkenhead (Captain E. Reeves)
    • Gloucester (Captain W. F. Blount)
  • First Destroyer Flotilla
    • Fearless (light cruiser) (Captain C. D. Roper)
    • Acheron
    • Ariel
    • Attack
    • Badger
    • Defender
    • Goshawk
    • Hydra
    • Lapwing
    • Lizard
  • Ninth and Tenth Destroyer Flotillas (combined)
    • Lydiard (Commander M. L. Goldsmith)
    • Landrail
    • Laurel
    • Liberty
    • Moorsom
    • Morris
    • Termagent
    • Turbulent
  • Thirteenth Destroyer Flotilla
    • Champion (light cruiser) (Captain J. U. Farie)
    • Moresby
    • Narborough
    • Nerissa
    • Nestor
    • Nicator
    • Nomad
    • Obdurate
    • Onslow
    • Pelican
    • Petard
  • Seaplane Carrier
    • Engadine (Lieutenant-Commander C.G. Robinson)

[edit] KLM Ensign German forces

[edit] The Battle Fleet

  • First Battle Squadron
    • Friedrich der Grosse (Fleet Flagship of Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer; Captain T. Fuchs; Kaiser-class battleship; 1912; ten 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 24,330 tons)
    • Ostfriesland (Flagship of Vice Admiral E. Schmidt; Captain von Natzmer; Ostfriesland-class battleship; 1911; twelve 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 22,400 tons))
    • Thüringen (Captain H Küsel; Ostfriesland-class battleship)
    • Helgoland (Captain von Kameke; Ostfriesland-class battleship)
    • Oldenburg (Captain Höpfner; Ostfriesland-class battleship)
    • Posen (Flagship of Rear Admiral Engelhardt; Captain Lange; Nassau-class battleship; 1910; twelve 11.1 inch (282 mm) guns, 18,570 tons)
    • Rheinland (Captain Rohardt; Nassau-class battleship)
    • Nassau (Captain H. Klappenbach; Nassau-class battleship)
    • Westfalen (Captain Redlich; Nassau-class battleship)
  • Second Battle Squadron
    • Deutschland (Flagship of Rear Admiral Mauve; Captain H. Meurer; Deutschland-class battleship; 1906; four 11.1 inch (282 mm) guns, 14,200 tons)
    • Pommern (Captain Bölken; Deutschland-class battleship; 1906)
    • Hannover (Flagship of Rear Admiral F. von Dalwigk zu Lichtenfels; Captain W. Heine; Deutschland-class battleship)
    • Schlesien (Captain F. Behncke; Deutschland-class battleship)
    • Schleswig-Holstein (Captain Barrentrapp; Deutschland-class battleship)
    • Hessen (Captain R. Bartels; Braunschweig-class battleship; 1904; four 11.1 inch (282 mm) guns, 13,200 tons)
  • Fourth Scouting Group (Light Cruisers)
    • Stettin (Broad pendant of Commodore von Reuter; Captain F. Regensburg)
    • München (Captain O. Böcker)
    • Hamburg (Commander von Gaudecker)
    • Frauenlob (Captain G. Hoffmann)
    • Stuttgart (Captain Hagedorn)
  • Destroyers (classified as Torpedo boats)
    • Rostock (Light cruiser) (Broad pendant of Commodore Andreas Michelsen; Captain O. Feldmann)
  • First Half-Flotilla (Commander C. Albrecht in G39)
    • G39
    • G40
    • G38
    • S32
  • Third Flotilla (Captain Hollmann in S53)
    • S53
    • V71
    • V73
    • G88
    • S54
    • V48
    • G42
  • Fifth Flotilla (Captain Heinecke in G11)
    • G11
    • V2
    • V4
    • V6
    • V1
    • V3
    • G8
    • G7
    • V5
    • G9
    • G10
  • Seventh Flotilla (Captain von Koch in S24)
    • S24
    • S17
    • S20
    • S16
    • S18
    • S19
    • S23
    • V189
    • S50

[edit] The Battlecruiser Force

  • First Scouting Group (Battlecruisers)
    • Lützow (Flagship of Vice Admiral Franz von Hipper; Captain Harder)
    • Derfflinger (Captain Hartog)
      • Derfflinger class; 1914; eight 12 inch (300 mm) guns, 26,200 tons)
    • Seydlitz (Captain M. von Egidy)
      • Seydlitz class; 1913; ten 11.1 inch (282 mm) guns, 25,000 tons)
    • Moltke (Captain von Karpf)
      • Moltke class; 1912; ten 11.1 inch (282 mm) guns, 22,600 tons)
    • Von der Tann (Captain Hans Zenker)
      • Von der Tann class; 1911; eight 11.1 inch (282 mm) guns, 19,100 tons)
  • Second Scouting Group (Light Cruisers)
  • Destroyers (classified as Torpedo boats)
    • Regensburg (Light cruiser) (Broad pendant of Commodore Heinrich; Captain Heuberer)
  • Second Flotilla (Captain Schuur in B98)
    • B98
    • G101
    • G102
    • B112
    • B97
    • B109
    • B110
    • B111
    • G103
    • G104
  • Sixth Flotilla (Captain Schultz in G41)
    • G41
    • V44
    • G87
    • G86
    • V69
    • V45
    • V46
    • S50
    • G37
  • Ninth Flotilla (Captain Goehle in V28)
    • V28
    • V27
    • V26
    • S36
    • S51
    • S52
    • V30
    • S34
    • S33
    • V29
    • S35
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