Orb (Charmed)

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Orbing is the magical form of teleportation used by Whitelighters and Elders who are portrayed on the television series Charmed.

The green orbs that are exhibited in the episode Lucky Charmed
The green orbs that are exhibited in the episode Lucky Charmed

An orb on Charmed is a ball of blue light, which accompanies Whitelighters in many forms, most commonly teleportation. Darklighter orbs are black.[1] Gideon's orbs are purple,[2] and in one episode, Paige showed green orbs when she cast a spell.[3] In some hybrids orbs can be seen in other forms, such as in Wyatt Halliwell's other powers which have on instance manifested with orbs, specifically conjuration. There are also orbs on Charmed seen with witch magic and ghosts, which bear closer resemblance to the standard paranormal meaning of the word, such as when a witch summons another, teleports with a spell or glamours their appearance.


[edit] As teleportation, "Orbing"

When someone orbs, they turn into blue lights and lose most corporeal form, and can go from place to place almost instantly. Even someone with only half-whitelighter heritage can orb, as displayed by Paige Matthews[4] and Wyatt and Chris Halliwell.[5]

Whitelighters transport either by becoming a silhouette comprised of orbs which rises out of sight (Leo Wyatt, Chris Halliwell, Wyatt Halliwell) or by turning into sparkles of orbs which dissipate (Samuel Wilder, Paige Matthews). It is interesting to note that Wyatt and Chris orb in a similar fashion to his father (as a rising silhouette) while Paige and her father teleport by dissolving orbs (however, as the series progresses, Paige's orbing style changes. She starts out dissipating, then rises and dissipates, the just rises. This could be due to the fact that Paige becomes more in touch with her inner Whitelighter as the series goes on). Some Whitelighters display both (Gideon, Wyatt Halliwell) even though most prefer a certain way of transportation.

[edit] Telekinetic orbing or Calling

Paige orbs a candle to her.
Paige orbs a candle to her.

This power manifests itself as a hybrid version of two combined powers; telekinesis and orbing. The ability is defined as accessing telekinesis, the ability to move objects with your mind with concentration, through the whitelighter ability of teleportation known as 'orbing'. Depending on the object one with this power wishes to move telekinetically, they must use a vocal command to cause the intended object to orb from one location and appear within another.[4] Although some with more experience with the power do not need a vocal trigger to use the ability.[6][7] Not just anyone can develop this power. For instance, for hybrids to be the bearer of telekinetic orbing they must be the child of a whitelighter parent and a witch parent stemming from a line of telekinetics. Another known way is to have the whitelighter orbing power amplified after becoming an Elder, sometimes called by fans "remote orbing". This is seen being used by Leo when he orbed the Magic School students out of harms way.[8] This is also used by Paige in Season 7 when she remotely orbed Phoebe home after vocally commanding her "home", even though she isn't an Elder. In addition, an evil demon who had copied Paige's powers was able to orb Billie out to the front porch by the command "porch". It is unclear that although new to his powers in Season 8, Chris was able to orb Wyatt from the manor to their grandfather's house.

[edit] In Elders

When the power has been used by Elders, it has always shown their actions causing something else to be orbed to another location. This could mean on a level it works differently to that seen in hybrids and not merely an extension of telekinesis.

[edit] In meditation

The Elder Ramus shown levitating in an orb enduced meditation
The Elder Ramus shown levitating in an orb enduced meditation

When Whitelighters meditate, they are covered in orbs.[9] This power has been demonstrated by Ramus the Elder, Leo as a Whitelighter, and Paige, a hybrid. However, when Whitelighters merely levitate, they do not display orbs.[10]

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Love Hurts". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-05-19.
  2. ^ "It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World (Part 2)". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2004-05-16.
  3. ^ "Lucky Charmed". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2003-04-06.
  4. ^ a b "Charmed Again (Part 1)". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2001-10-04.
  5. ^ "Oh My Goddess (Part 1)". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2003-05-11.
  6. ^ "Sword and the City". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2003-11-09.
  7. ^ "Repo Manor". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2006-01-22.
  8. ^ "The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2004-02-08.
  9. ^ "Witches in Tights". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2002-10-13.
  10. ^ "Secrets and Guys". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-02-17.
Main: Season summaries | Episode guide | Multimedia | Terms | Trivia
Locations and Artifacts: Bay Area | Halliwell Manor | Magic School | The Nexus | Book of Shadows
Good beings: Charmed Ones | Close friends | Ancestors | Family and friends | Whitelighters | Elders
Evil beings: Darklighters | Warlocks
Neutral: Avatars | The Hollow | Firestarters
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