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Meet Katie Liz
Meet Katie Liz

[edit] Tid Bits

AIM: Sarruquin
Email: It varies, check here
Pets: Frodo, Sebastian, and Doodle
Fantasy Creature: Unicorn
Would Rather Be: Reading
Thinks You Are: Groovy
Wishes You Wouldn't: Mindlessly support a President no smarter than a kumquat (sorry kumquat supporters).

[edit] Favorite Quote

Don’t change color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you. -Kender Proverb

[edit] A bit about me

I'm originally from West Texas, but now I'm living in Oklahoma right smack dab in the middle of Tornado Alley. *dramatic gasp* I'm a total geek/nerd/dweb and this can be proved many ways. I run a Xena fan site (The Warrior's Hut),I own my own web domain, I belong to a Medieval reinactment group Amtgard), and I watch as much good Anime as I can get my hands on. I used to be very outgoing, but somewhere in the process of moving to a new state I became rather intravreted. Though, I'll say what's on my mind even if it gets me in trouble.

Strengths: I'm a card carrying liberal, opinionated, organized, loyal, have a vivid imagination, and I try to look on the bright side of life... *insert Monty Python singing*

Weaknesses: Opinionated, sometimes a bit too sensitive, fear of failure keeps me from doing everything I'd like to. Special Skills: L33t webmaster skillz, High Priestess of all things dorky, cleaning diva, ability to insert random nouns/adjectives to make boring things sound cool.

Hobbies: Role Playing (mainly Whitewolf and D&D), Horseback riding/training/teaching (which I can't do anymore due to lack of a horse), reading everything I can get my hands on, and building my various webpages

Weapon:My camera to capture you acting like a moron!