Orascom Construction Industries (OCI)

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Orascom Construction Industries or Orascom Construction Industries SAE(OCI) (LSE: ORSD)is construction company established in Egypt in 1950 and owned by Onsi Sawiris. The first multinational Egyptian corporation, it is one of the core Orascom Group companies.

Orascom Construction Industries SAE is a leading cement producer and construction contractor active in emerging markets.

The company's CEO, Nassef Sawiris holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Chicago (AB '82). He is Onsi Sawiris' youngest son.

As a cement producer, OCI own's and operates cement plants in Egypt and Algeria which have a combined annual production capacity approaching 13.5 million tons. Their new investments in the UAE, Algeria, northern Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Nigeria and Spain will increase annual production capacity to approx 30 million tons.

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