Option Québec

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Option Québec is a political manifesto written by René Lévesque, a cabinet minister in the government of Quebec, Canada, in 1968. Lévesque, a member of the Liberal Party of Quebec, published the manifesto in September 1968, one month before the party's annual congress.

The 6000-word manifesto detailed Lévesque's vision of a sovereign Quebec within a new Canadian union. The document was prepared by Lévesque and a few Liberal supporters (notably François Aquin) to renew the Liberal Party of Quebec's position on the decades-old constitutional question.

The refusual of the party leadership to allow discussion of Lévesque's option during the 1968 congress led him and his supporters to quit the party. Lévesque and his supporters founded the Mouvement Souveraineté-Association (MSA, Sovereignty-Association Movement) on November 18. The MSA merged with another sovereigntist party, the Ralliement national, to form the Parti Québécois (PQ) five days before the conference of the États généraux du Canada français (Estates General of French Canada) presided over by Jacques-Yvan Morin. The PQ adopted the sovereignty-association proposal, and later formed the government of Quebec after the 1976 provincial election.

[edit] See also

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