Optical brightener

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Optical brighteners, optical brightening agents, fluorescent brightening agents or fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) are dyes that absorb light in the ultraviolet and violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and re-emit light in the blue region. These additives are designed to enhance the appearance of colours in fabrics and on papers. They may also enhance or modify the appearance of white items.

This creates a whitening effect by making materials look less yellow and by increasing the overall amount of light reflected to the eye. The most common class of chemicals with this property are the stilbenes. These chemicals are commonly part of laundry detergents to replace fluorescent whitening agents removed during washing and enhance the appearance of garments.

The molecules that make up these additives are fluorescent dyes such as umbelliferone, which absorb energy in the UV portion of the spectrum. This energy is then re-emitted in the blue portion of the visible spectrum. A white surface treated with an optical brightener emits more visible light than shines on it, making it appear brighter. The blue emitted hides yellow and brown tones, making treated materials appear whiter. Optical brighteners have replaced bluing which was formerly used to produce the same effect.

The additives are commonly used in washing powders, detergents, and in paper manufacture, with the result that white paper and clothing show up as strongly fluorescent under UV illumination. Paper used for banknotes does not contain optical brighteners, so a common method for detecting forged notes is to check for fluorescence.

Optical brighteners used in laundry detergents do not readily biodegrade. They bind irreversibly to the skin. They are toxic to fish when washed into the general environment and can create bacterial mutations. They can cause allergic reaction when in contact with skin that is then exposed to sunlight. Most optical brighteners are given trade names which consumers are unlikely to see on a label. Optical brighteners are usually derivatives of coumarin or stilbene, and may have patents and trade secrets.

Laundry Detergents That Contain Optical brighteners

  • 20 Mule Team Detergent (all versions)
  • Ajax (all versions)
  • All Liquid (all versions)
  • All Free and Clear
  • All Baby
  • All with stain lifters
  • Arm & Hammer FabriCare Powder (all versions)
  • Arm & Hammer Fresh ‘n Soft Fabric Softener (all versions)
  • Arm & Hammer Liquid (all versions)
  • Arm & Hammer Perfume Free and Dye Free Liquid Detergent
  • Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
  • Ariel Powder (P&G Europe) - All versions
  • Ariel Liquid (P&G Europe) - All versions
  • Ariel LiquiTabs (P&G Europe) - All versions
  • Ariel Tablets (P&G Europe) - All versions
  • Asta
  • Bold 3-in-1 (UK/Ireland) - (All versions)
  • Daz
  • DeliCare Fine Fabric Wash (all versions)
  • Dreft Liquid
  • Dreft Powder
  • Dynamo (all versions)
  • Era Liquid (all versions)
  • Fab (all versions)
  • Gain Liquids (all versions)
  • Gain Powders (all versions)
  • Ivory Snow Liquid
  • Ivory Snow Powder
  • Persil (Henkel)
  • Persil Powder (Unilever - UK/Ireland/France) - All versions
  • Persil Liquid (Unilever - UK/Ireland/France) - All versions
  • Persil GelTabs (Unilever - UK/Ireland/France) - All versions
  • Purex Powder (all versions)
  • Purex Liquid (all versions)
  • Purex Fabric Softener (all versions)
  • Purex Baby (all versions)
  • Rain Drops Water Softener and Detergent Booster
  • SA8 Plus Concentrated Detergent
  • SA8 with Bioquest Concentrated Detergent
  • SA8 with Gelzyme Liquid Detergent
  • SA8 Sensitive Laundry Detergent
  • SA8 Tablets Laundry Detergent
  • SA8 Concentrated Liquid Detergent with Fabric Softener
  • SA8 Solutions Tri-Zyme Stain Pre-Soak and Detergent Booster
  • SA8 Solutions Dry Chlorine Bleach
  • Surf Liquid (all versions)
  • Surf Powder (UK/Ireland)
  • Suavitel Fabric Softener (all versions)
  • Tide Liquids (all versions)
  • Tide Powders (all versions)
  • Tide Tablets (all versions)
  • Wisk (all versions)
  • XTRA Laundry Detergent
  • Yes (all versions)
  • Zout (all versions)
  • All laundry products made by Colgate-Palmolive

Laundry Detergents That Contain No Optical brighteners

  • All Powder (all versions)
  • Allens Naturally Liquid Laundry Detergent
  • Allens Naturally Powdered Laundry Detergent
  • Bold Powder
  • Cheer Free
  • Cheer Liquid (all versions)
  • Cheer Powder (all versions)
  • Country Save Powdered Laundry Detergent
  • Ecover Ecological Liquid Detergent
  • Oxy-Prime Powdered Laundry Detergent
  • Planet Ultra laundry detergents[1]
  • SA8 Delicate Gentle Liquid Detergent
  • SA8 Solutions Prewash Spray Spot Treatment
  • SA8 Solutions Prewash With Enzymes Liquid Spot Treatment
  • SA8 Solutions Smashing White Water Softener And Detergent Booster Powder
  • SA8 Solutions Smashing White Water Softener And Detergent Booster Liquid
  • SA8 Solutions All Fabric Bleach
  • Seventh Generation Natural Laundry Detergent Liquid, Free & Clear
  • Woolite (all versions)

[edit] References

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