Talk:Operation Hardtack

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[edit] PT

No mention of what "PT" means is given. Avriette 20:39, July 13, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Santa Fe

You have Santa Fe mentioned twice in the bottom table. I feel bad a nuclear test was named after my hometown (county).

[edit] PT (again)

Does anyone else have an idea what the meaning of this "1PT" or "1pt" could be? NWA says "1-point test", ok, but though it doesn´t seem to be related to the balloon which was used for the test (other balloon-test were no 1pt-tests).... Who knows more?

I belive one point means only one of the explosive lenses is fired (there is usually several and they must all go off simultaniously or the bomb will fizzle).Ipsa scientia potestas est 12:44, 21 October 2006 (UTC)