Operation Wigwam

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See also: Wigwam (disambiguation)
Wigwam underwater burst
Wigwam underwater burst

Operation Wigwam involved a single test of the Mark 90 Betty nuclear bomb. It was conducted on May 14, 1955, about 500 miles southwest of San Diego, California. 6,800 personnel aboard 30 ships were involved in Wigwam. The purpose of Wigwam was to determine the vulnerability of submarines to deeply-detonated nuclear weapons, and to evaluate the feasibility of using such weapons in a combat situation.

The test device was suspended by a 2,000 foot cable under a barge. A six-mile tow line connected a fleet tug, the Tawasa (the Wigwam command ship), and the shot barge itself. Suspended from the line were three miniature unmanned submarines named "Squaws", each packed with cameras and instruments.

The time of detonation was 1300 hrs Pacific Time. The test was carried out without incident, and radiation effects were negligible. The device yielded 30 kilotons. Only three personnel received doses of over 0.5 rems.

Wigwam Test Blast
Test Name Date Location Yield Note
Wigwam 14 May 1955 500 miles SW San Diego 30 kilotons deep underwater
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