Operation Osprey

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Operation Osprey ("Unternehmen Fischadler" in German) was a plan conceived by the German Foreign Ministry and Abwehr II. mid 1942.[1] The plan was an enlargement of Operation Whale ("Unternehmen Wal" in German). Planning took place in the context of American Troops landing in Northern Ireland 26 January 1942, and Hitler's immediate fears surrounding this.


[edit] Figures and groups involved

Planning for Osprey began after conversations between German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Führer Adolf Hitler in the weeks following the arrival of a contingent of 4,508 US Troops and engineers in Belfast commanded by Major-General Russell P. Hartle, the Commanding General of the 34th Division. The German command feared that these forces could set up bases in Ireland.[2] US forces had already compromised the neutrality of both Iceland and Greenland the previous year and it was known by the Germans that pressure had been placed on de Valera to cede the port in Cobh, and/or side with the British in World War II. German forces had already considered the occupation of Ireland in "Plan Green" but with the German failure during Battle of Britain, the launching of Green alongside Operation Sealion was still a distant prospect.

Osprey envisioned the use of volunteer commando troops trained in sabotage and British weaponry to go to Ireland in the event of an American invasion and train "Irish partisans", volunteers of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), and any Irish Army units resisting the invasion. Abwehr II. was to have only technical input into the planning and training of this new unit, the Foreign Ministry was to dominate via the Reich's Security Headquarters (RSHA) and have overall control.

[edit] Mission plan and training

The mission plan and training schedule for Osprey was drawn up by Director of Amt VI, Walther Schellenberg, who held his brief with the Foreign Political Information Service. Abwehr agent Helmut Clissmann was also involved in supervising the training of the troops for around three weeks.

Training took place at the Totenkopf Barracks in Berlin-Oranienburg and consisted of the selection of around 100 volunteers from various SS. troop sections. Clissmann was to test the suitability of these volunteers against Abwehr set benchmarks of foreign language skills, and cultural awareness of Ireland/Britain.[3] Each volunteer was given training in English language, British weaponry along with sabotage and explosives training. Clissmann did believe that on the whole the unit would be able to fulfil its mission of providing close tactical support and training for any parties resisting an American invasion.

The unit was called No.1 S.S Special Service Troop and it was to be inserted into Ireland by parachute using a Focke-Wulf Fw 200 'Condor' once the American invasion began. In addition, as part of Osprey, consideration was given to using regular 'Brandeburgers' or alternatively, captured Irish Prisoners of War from the so-called 'Irish Brigade' of around 10 men at Friesack Camp. The unit and plan was not put to the test in Ireland because the feared American invasion of Éire territory did not occur.[4]

Despite being cancelled this mission did mark the first entrance of the SS's intelligence service, the Sicherheitsdienst (SD.) into Irish affairs.

[edit] Involvement of the IRA

There was no involvement or prior knowledge of Operation Osprey by the IRA in Ireland, although it is known that Frank Ryan, an IRA volunteer located/stranded in Germany and working with the Abwehr, was aware of the mission. His input is thought to have been minimal as ill health on his part had prevented him from taking part in Operation Whale - the precursor to Osprey.

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Osprey was the operational name given to the plan by the Abwehr, the Foreign Ministry knew the plan as Operation Dove II ("Unternehman Taube II" in German).
  2. ^ Ireland was also known as Éire during the period.
  3. ^ Clissmann later recalled that the volunteers were all decorated, seasoned veterans but felt that they were not suitable for "combat requiring initiative"", and that the majority had poor English language skills making them unsuitable as instructors. See Stephan P.235
  4. ^ Instead the unit later saw active service as SS-Fallschirmjäger-Bataillon 500 an amalgamation of No.1 Troop and various penal battalions. Notably participating in Operation Rösselsprung, the raid against Tito's HQ. in 1944.

[edit] Further information and sources

[edit] Notable Abwehr operations involving Ireland

[edit] See also