Operation Gambit

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During World War II Operation Gambit was a part of Operation Neptune, the landing phase of the invasion of northern France (Overlord). Gambit involved two X class submarines (British midget submarines) which marked the extreme left and right limits of the British and Canadian invasion beaches with navigation lights and flags off 'Sword' and 'Juno' beaches.

HMS X20 and HMS X23 arrived in position on 4th June and, due to the delay caused by bad weather, remained in position until 4:30am on 6th June (D-Day) when they surfaced, erected the navigational aids, an 18-foot telescopic mast with a light shining to seaward, a radio beacon and echo sounder tapping out a message for the minelayers approaching 'Sword' and 'Juno' beaches.

A similar operation had been offered to the US landing forces to mark their beaches, but this was declined.

See also Operation Maple and Operation Postage Able.

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