Operation Clipper

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Operation Clipper
Part of World War II
Date November 1944
Location Geilenkirchen, Germany
Result Allied victory
United Kingdom
United States
Lieutenant-General Brian Horrocks General Günther Blumentritt
2,000 casualties, (including 169 killed, 752 missing & 500 nonbattle)
Western European Campaign
Normandy - Dragoon - Siegfried Line - Ardennes Offensive - Elbe

During World War II, Operation Clipper was an Allied offensive by British XXX Corps (including the American Eighty-fourth Infantry Division) to reduce the Geilenkirchen salient in mid November, 1944. Clipper was a part of a wider U.S. operation to gain control of the Roer valley and the Hurtgen Forest.

Geilenkirchen is situated on the Wurm river, some twenty kilometres north of Aachen. The surrounding area is undulating, alternating between woodland, farmland and industrial villages. The area was crossed by a network of passable minor roads, some major roads and a railway line. The Wurm is the major geographic feature.

The salient was a German position on the Siegfried Line (or Westwall) at the boundary between the British 2nd Army and the U.S. 9th Army. It was a restriction to the movement of Allied forces and a potential threat.


[edit] The plan

Anglo-American cooperation was prompted by the availability of British artillery and specialised armour (such as flail and flame-throwing tanks). A two-pronged attack was planned on the salient and the temporary attachment of the 84th Infantry Division to XXX Corps, avoided problems of divided command.

The operation was planned to take four phases. First, on 18th November, the 84th would pass through the troops manning the frontline, advance north-east two miles and take Prummern and the surrounding high ground, east of Geilenkirchen. Second, at midday, the British 43rd Division was to advance and capture the high ground north and west of the town (around Bauchem and Tripsrath). Once done, Geilenkirchen would be virtually encircled and the 84th Division would occupy the town and its north-eastern suburbs (third phase) before, in the fourth phase, both divisions would advance north-east about three miles, clearing both sides of the Wurm. The final objectives were the villages of Hoven, Müllendorf, Würm and Beeck.

[edit] The defences

The German defenders consisted of the bulk of 176th Division, northwest of Geilenkirchen and the 183rd Volksgrenadier Division, in the town and southeast of it. General Günther Blumentritt, commander of the XII SS Corps, had placed the bulk of his artillery in the area.

South-east of Geilenkirchen, thick minefields had been laid from Geilenkirchen to Jülich, via Immendorf and Puffendorf, about ten kilometres. The area was at the point where a new section of the Westwall, built while Aachen held out, joined the established defences. Westwall used the compact, stone-built buildings in the villages, which had been fortified, and purpose-built concrete bunkers.

[edit] The attack

At 6am, before dawn, on 18 November giant searchlights of 357th Searchlight Battery, Royal Artillery provided hazy indirect illumination for the flail tanks supporting the infantry. These tanks, designed as mine-clearers, moved toward the German mine field between Geilenkirchen and Immendorf. On the wet ground, mud lessened the flail's effectiveness and engineers followed with mine detectors.

After a brief artillery bombardment, the 334th Infantry Regiment advanced through the cleared strips at 7am and easily secured the high ground east of Geilenkirchen. The right flank gave some concern to U.S. commanders as a counter-attack was expected and fresh German troops appeared to be in the area; the advance to Prummern was delayed until the flank was secured. When the attack resumed, supported by British Sherman tanks, there was steady progress and the regimental objectives were attained by late afternoon.

The British attack north and west of the town also achieved its objectives by nightfall. The Worcestershire Regiment advanced on Tripsrath, capturing its intermediate objectives of Rischden and intervening woods with little opposition and few casualties. The preparatory bombardment had made the Germans unwilling to resist and rain had exposed much of the minefields. The rain, however, also made it difficult to bring up armoured support, anti-tank guns and supplies. An unsupported British advance on a copse, using universal carriers, was engaged by two self-propelled guns and forced back, with heavy casualties.

Despite further counter-attacks and "friendly fire" casualties, the Worcestershires occupied Tripsrath after dark, aided by artillery, and held most of the village sometimes with Germans as next-door neighbours.

Given the day's success, General Horrocks directed that phases 3 and 4 should be combined on the 19th. In order to facilitate this, the U.S. 84th continued its advance toward Sũggerath, instead of consolidating overnight. A reconnaissance patrol towards Beeck, however, reported an impending German counter-attack on Prummern by two companies of the 9th Panzer Division’s 10th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, with six tanks. The night attack was fought off but the American advance towards Beeck was delayed until just before dawn on the 19th. Resistance in Prummern continued until November 20th, when it was finally cleared with the support of British "Crocodile" flame-throwing tanks: the adjacent high ground, "Mahogany Hill", which had held out for two days, was captured by an American surprise attack on November 22nd.

On the 19th, the Worcestershires had been denied supply and support by the lack of a usable supply route, but fought off a counter-attack by the 104th Panzer Grenadier Regiment of the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division. Five Shermans of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, equipped for traversing mud, arrived but four were almost immediately knocked out by artillery and a Panzerfaust. A second German attack, on Rischden, supported by two Tigers and two self-propelled guns was engaged by anti-tank guns and tanks that had reached there and by flanking fire from Tripsrath and beaten off with severe losses.

Events in the Prummern area had made American commanders cautious, particularly as there was now a gap in the American line between the 84th Division and the 2nd US Armored Division a mile and a half distant at Apweiler. This was plugged by the temporary attachment of the 405th Infantry Regiment.

Geilenkirchen itself was subdued relatively easily by the 333rd Infantry Regiment on 19 November, but the Allied advance suffered from the lack of artillery support which had been held back by the fear of friendly fire incidents, as had occurred earlier in the British sector. Two troops of tanks from the British Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry provided close support, they could not make up entirely for lack of artillery. From Geilenkirchen, the advance continued northeast along the Wurm toward Sũggerath. Flame-throwing Crocodiles subdued the increasing German resistance, especially two pillboxes guarding the road into Sũggerath. "A few squirts from the flame-throwers, and the Germans poured out ... The bastards are afraid of those flame-throwers and won’t be caught inside a pillbox ...", said one U.S. company commander.

The capture of Geilenkirchen opened a supply route to Tripsrath. The German artillery heavily bombarded Tripsrath for the next four days, but, sheltering in basements, the British infantry suffered few losses.

The lead battalion of the 333rd passed through Sũggerath, by-passing determined German strongholds. Augmented by a second, fresh battalion, Sũggerath was cleared during the night of the 19th/20th November. The 333rd Infantry was still over a mile short of its final objective of Würm, but there was the possibility of establishing a coherent frontline with XXX Corps on its left and 334th Infantry Regiment on its right. The weather, however, intervened.

Intermittent showers were followed by a downpour on the 21st November, turning the fields into mudbaths that rendered the tanks ineffective and vulnerable. The direct road to Würm was mined and an alternative side road was blocked by debris and could not be cleared until a bulldozer was used. The U.S. infantry attempted to advance but, without tanks, they were beaten back. When the British Crocodiles were able to advance and assault the defences, there was rapid progress, with defenders surrendering. The mud intervened again, however, bogging down the Crocodiles' armoured trailers. Without their support, infantry attacks on Müllendorf failed, particularly as the German defences had been strengthened by the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division.

A flanking attack by the U.S. 405th Infantry Regiment towards Beeck on 22nd November similarly bogged down against prepared defences. British assaults, on the other side of the Wurm were also beaten off by strengthened resistance.

Despite the frustrations of the 21st and 22nd November and the failure to capture the final objectives, the purpose of the operation had, in fact, now been achieved. The Geilenkirchen salient had been substantially removed and the U.S. XIII Corps now had room to manoevre. The 84th Infantry Division reverted to U.S. control and further attacks were abandoned on the 23rd.

On the 23rd November, the Worcestershires were to relieved by 5th Wiltshires, who had been holding the village of Birgden for the last twelve days. This was welcome for the Worcester men who suffered continuous shelling in their forward positions in Tripsrath and Rischden.

[edit] Order of battle

[edit] Allied

XXX Corps

214 Brigade
7th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry (attacking Neiderheide)
1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment (attacking Tripsrath and Rischden)
5th Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry (attacking Hochheid)
5th Battalion, Dorset Regiment (detached from 130 Brigade) (attacking Bauchem)
4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards
84th Infantry Division
333rd Infantry Regiment (attacking Geilenkirchen and Sueggerath)
Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
334th Infantry Regiment (attacking Prummern and Beeck)
Drewforce, two troops of flail and flame-throwing tanks
one troop of 357th Searchlight Battery, Royal Artillery
405th Infantry Regiment (detached from 102nd Infantry Division) (attacking Beeck)

[edit] German

176th Division
183rd Volksgrenadier Division
104th Panzer Grenadier Regiment
10th Panzer Grenadier Regiment

[edit] References