Operation Chahar

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Operation Chahar
Part of Second Sino-Japanese War
Date August 1937
Location Vicinity of Chahar - Suiyuan
Result Japanese Victory
Imperial Japanese Army, Japan

Inner Mongolian Army, Inner Mongolia

National Revolutionary Army, China
Hideki Tojo, Kiyoshi Katsuki Yan Xishan
 ?  ?
 ?  ?
Second Sino-Japanese War
Major engagements in bold
Mukden - Manchuria -(Jiangqiao - Nenjiang Bridge - Chinchow - Harbin) -Shanghai (1932) -Pacification of Manchukuo - Operation Nekka - ( Rehe - Great Wall) - Suiyuan - Marco Polo Bridge - Beiping-Tianjin - Chahar - Shanghai (1937) (Sihang Warehouse) - Beiping-Hankou Railway - Tianjin-Pukou Railway - Taiyuan - (Pingxingguan) - Xinkou - Nanjing - Xuzhou- Taierzhuang - N.-E.Henan - (Lanfeng) - Amoy - Wuhan-(Wanjialing)- Canton - (Hainan) - (Xiushui River) - Nanchang - Suixian-Zaoyang - (Swatow) - 1st Changsha - S.Guangxi- (Kunlun Pass) - Winter Offensive -(Wuyuan) - Zaoyang-Yichang - Hundred Regiments - French Indochina - C. Hupei - S.Henan - W. Hopei - Shanggao - S.Shanxi - 2nd Changsha - 3rd Changsha - Yunnan-Burma Road-(Yenangyaung)- Zhejiang-Jiangxi - W.Hubei - N.Burma-W.Yunnan - Changde - C.Henan - 4th Changsha - Guilin-Liuzhou - W.Henan-N.Hubei - W.Hunan- 2nd Guangxi

Operation Chahar, known by the Japanese as チャハル作戦, Operation Quhar and by the Chinese as the 长城抗战 (Battle of the Great Wall), this campaign occurred in August 1937 following the Battle of Beiping-Tianjin at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

This was the second attack by Kwangtung Army and the Inner Mongolian Army of Prince Teh Wang on Inner Mongolia after the failure of the Suiyuan Campaign (1936). The Chahar Expeditionary Force was under the direct command of General Hideki Tojo, the chief of staff of Kuangtung Army. A second force from the Peiping Railway Garrison Force, later the 1st Army under General Kiyoshi Katsuki was also involved.


[edit] Japanese Order of battle

See Order of battle of Operation Chahar.

The Chinese forces opposing this invasion of Suiyuan were the Suiyuan Pacification Headquarters under the command of General Yan Xishan. Fu Zuoyi governor of Suiyuan was made commander of the 7th Army Group and Liu Ju-ming, governor of Chahar was made its deputy commander, defending Chahar with 143rd Division and two Brigades. General Tang Enbo was sent by Chiang Kai-shek with 13th and 17th Corps from the Central Army and made Frontline Commander in Chief. 1st Cavalry Corps was in Chahar under the command of Chiao Cheng-shou facing the Mongolian forces of Teh Wang.

[edit] Chinese Order of battle

See Order of battle Peiking – Suiyuan Railway Operation.

Following the loss of Peiking, Tang Enbo's 13th Corps (4th and 84th Divisions) took up positions in depth along the Peiking – Suiyuan Railway at Nankou and further to the rear at Juyongguan (Juyong Pass). His 17th Corps stationed its 84th Division at Chihcheng, Yenching and Lungkuan covering the flank of 13th Corps from Japanese forces in Chahar and its 21st Division at Huailai on the railroad to its rear was in reserve. Chiao Cheng-shou's 1st Cavalry Corps and Liu Ju-ming's 143rd Division and two Peace Preservation Brigades began an attack on the Mongol forces in northern Chahar.

[edit] Battle of Nankou

On August 8th the Japanese 11th Independent Mixed Brigade, commanded by Gen. Shigiyasu Suzuki began their attack on the left flank of the 13th Corps position at Nankou but were thwarted after three days by the difficult terrain and stubborn resistance of the Chinese. A new attack on August 11th supported by tanks and aircraft took Nankou Station after which Gen. Suzuki's brigade advanced on Juyong Pass.

That same day, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the activation of the 14th Army Group (10th, 83rd and 85th Divisions) under Gen. Wei Li-huang. Coming by rail from Yingchia-chuang to Yi Hsien, elements of it were sent on a ten day march through the plains west of Peiking in a turning movement in support of Tang Enbo's forces. The Chinese 1st Army made attacks on the Japanese forces in Lianghsiang and Chaili to distract them and sent a detachment to Heilung Pass to cover 14th Army Groups advance. From the dates on a Japanese map of the battle these forces did not reach the area until September when it was too late and clashed with the Japanese forces from the 9th to the 17th to no avail.

On August 12th, Tang Enbo's army counterattacked surrounding the Japanese cutting them off from their supplies and communications. On Aug 14th, Itagaki Seishiro's 5th Division was sent to the relief of the 11th Independent Mixed Brigade at Juyongguan.

On August 16th, Itagaki arrived at Nankou and began an enveloping attack on the right flank of 13th Corps making a five pronged attack at Huanglaoyuan. 7th Brigade of 4th Division under Shih Chueh was moved to block this move and reinforcements of Li Hsien-chou's 21st Division and Chu Huai-ping's 94th Division were brought up, engaging in days of heavy fighting. On August 17th General Yan Xishan, Director of the Taiyuan Pacification Headquarters, directed 7th Army under Fu Zuoyi to move its 72nd Division and three brigades by rail from Tatung to Huailai to reinforce Gen. Tang Enbo's forces.

[edit] Battle the Great Wall

Meanwhile in northern Chahar the Chinese 1st Cavalry Corps captured Shangtu, Nanhaochan, Shangyi and Huateh from the puppet Mongolian Army of Prince Teh Wang. Elements of 143rd Division took Chungli, while its main force reached Changpei. During this Chinese advance the Japanese Chahar Expeditionary Force under Lt. General Hideki Tojo composed of the mechanized 1st Independent Mixed Brigade and the 2nd and 15th Mixed Brigades gathered for a counteroffensive from Changpei to Kalgan.

From August 18th to 19th the Chahar Expeditionary Force counterattacked from Changpei, and took Shenweitaiko on the Great Wall and Hanno Dam. The scattered and poorly equipped Chinese forces were unable to stop them and they now threatened the Peiking – Suiyuan Railway at Kalgan. On the 20th Gen. Fu Zuoyi's 7th Army diverted its 200th and 211th Brigades, that had been moving south by rail to join Gen. Tang Enbo's forces, back to defend Kalgan, while its remaining 72nd Division arrived to reinforce Chenpien and and 7th Separate Brigade to defend the railhead at Huailai.

On August 21st, the Japanese forces broke through at the cities of Hengling and Chenpien. Gen. Tang Enbo's forces awaiting reinforcement, but having suffered over 50% casualties, still defended Huailai, Chuyung Pass and Yenching. Liu Ju-ming's 143rd Division fell back to defend Kalgan from the advancing Japanese.

On August 23rd, as Itagaki Seishiro's 5th Division pushed toward Huailai from Chenpien against Ma Yen-shou's 7th Separate Brigade, advance elements of the 14th Army Group arrived on the Japanese flank at Chingpaikou, driving off the Japanese outpost there and contacted the Japanese forces advancing to Chenpien and the front beyond. However they were delayed in crossing the Yungting River and their attack was delayed until it was too late to stop the Japanese advance, and due to poor communications they failed to link up with Gen. Tang En-po's forces. After 8 days and 8 nights fighting, Itagaki on Aug 24th, linked up with Kwantung army's 2nd Independent Mixed Brigade at Xiahuayuan.

[edit] Withdrawal

On August 26th, Gen. Tang Enbo's forces were ordered to break out toward the Sangchien River while Liu Ju-ming's forces were ordered to withdraw to the far side of the Hsiang-yang River.

On August 29th the Japanese unit the Chinese called the Oui Column or what the Japanese refer to as the Ohizumi Detachment (大泉支隊) attacked. According to Hsu Long-hsuen this unit moved south from Tushihkou, and on the 30th attacked Yenching via Chihcheng, being repulsed by 17th Corps. A Japanese map of the campaign show it moved to Guyuan (沽源) on August 25th to Xuanhua (宣化) by September 7th, cutting the railroad in the rear of Tang's forces and Chinese forces along the Great War to the east. See [1]

According to the Chinese account, after repulsing the Oui column attack 17th Corps withdrew to join the rest of Tang Enbo's force on the far side of the the Sangchien River. Kalgan, fell September 3rd, and after Gen. Fu Zuoyi's 200th and 211th Brigades failed in a counterattack to recapture it, fell back to the west to defend the railway to Suiyuan at Chaikoupao. This brought and end to Operation Chahar.

According to Time Magazine, on September 4th the South Charhar Government was set up at Kalgan. After the fall of Kalgan, Chahar's "complete independence" from China was declared by "100 influential persons", headed by Prince Teh Wang, a pro-Japanese Mongolian, long head of the "Inner Mongolia for Inner Mongolians" movement. It was Prince Teh with his Mongolian levies who helped the Japanese to take Kalgan. The highest position in this new Japanese puppet state was his reward.


  • Ohizumi Detachment (大泉支隊). It was a battalion from 4th Infantry Regiment of 2nd Division under the Kwantung Army. But, its course is different than the Chinese account says. It moved from Guyuan (沽源) to Xuanhua (宣化). See [2]

[edit] Sources

  • Hsu Long-hsuen and Chang Ming-kai, History of The Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) 2nd Ed., 1971. Translated by Wen Ha-hsiung, Chung Wu Publishing; 33, 140th Lane, Tung-hwa Street, Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China. Pg. 180- 184 and Map 3
  • Jowett, Phillip S., Rays of The Rising Sun, Armed Forces of Japan’s Asian Allies 1931-45, Volume I: China & Manchuria, 2004. Helion & Co. Ltd., 26 Willow Rd., Solihul, West Midlands, England.

[edit] External links