Open mapping theorem

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In mathematics, there are two theorems with the name "open mapping theorem".

[edit] Functional analysis

In functional analysis, the open mapping theorem, also known as the Banach-Schauder theorem, is a fundamental result which states: if A : XY is a surjective continuous linear operator between Banach spaces X and Y, then A is an open map (i.e. if U is an open set in X, then A(U) is open in Y).

The proof uses the Baire category theorem.

The open mapping theorem has two important consequences:

  • If A : XY is a bijective continuous linear operator between the Banach spaces X and Y, then the inverse operator A-1 : YX is continuous as well (this is called the inverse mapping theorem).
  • If A : XY is a linear operator between the Banach spaces X and Y, and if for every sequence (xn) in X with xn → 0 and Axny it follows that y = 0, then A is continuous (Closed graph theorem).

[edit] Complex analysis

In complex analysis, the open mapping theorem states that if U is a connected open subset of the complex plane C and f : UC is a non-constant holomorphic function, then f is an open map (i.e. it sends open subsets of U to open subsets of C).

The theorem for example implies that a non-constant holomorphic function cannot map an open disk onto a portion of a line.

[edit] Proof

Blue dots represent zeros. Black spikes represent poles. The boundary of an open set is given by a dashed line. Note that all poles are exterior to the open set.
Blue dots represent zeros. Black spikes represent poles. The boundary of an open set is given by a dashed line. Note that all poles are exterior to the open set.

First assume f is a non-constant holomorphic function and U is a connected open subset of the complex plane. If every point in f(U) is an interior point of f(U) then f(U) is open. Thus, if every point in f(U) is contained in a disk which is contained in f(U), then f(U) is open.

Around every point in U, there is a relevant ball in U. Consider an arbitrary z0 in U, and then consider its image point, w0 = f(z0). Then f(z0) − w0 = 0, making z0 a root of f(z) − w0. The function f(z) − w0 may have another root at a distance d1 from z0. Additionally, the distance from z0 to a point not in U shall be written d2. Any ball B of radius less than the minimum of d1 and d2 will be contained in U, and at least one exists because d1,d2 > 0.

Denote by B2 the ball around w0 with radius e whose elements are written w. By Rouché's theorem or the Argument principle, the function f(z) − w0 will have the same number of roots as f(z) − w for any w within a distance e of f(z0). Let z1 be the root, or one of the roots of f(z) − w just shown to exist. Thus, for every w in B2, there exists a z1 in B so that f(z1) = w, The image of B_2 is a subset of the image of B, which is a subset of f(U).

Thus w is an interior point of f(U) for arbitrary w, and the theorem is proved.