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OpenPsion is a project aimed at porting a version of the Linux operating system to the Psion portable computers (Personal digital assistant). The OpenPsion linux distribution is based on the ARM port of Debian, although other distibutions based on have also been used. The project has ported Linux with some success to the Psion Series 5, the Psion Revo, and the Psion Netbook and Psion Series 7. It should be noted, however, that installing and using Linux on these devices requires a degree of expertise in Linux. The Linux system on Psions is not as user-friendly as the original EPOC (computing) operating system.

The OpenPsion is located at, or, more directly, the OpenPsion project page at Sourceforge.

The original OpenPsion project name was PsiLinux, but that name became deprecated after the domain name "" was inadvertently lost to internet scavengers.

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