
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Base Base 2.
Developer: Sun Microsystems
Latest release: 2.1 / December 12, 2006
OS: Cross-platform
Use: Database
License: LGPL
Website: Base is the database module initially released with version 2.0. Currently it is based on the HSQLDB database engine written in Java. Note that another database engine, SQLite, has been considered[1] but the team decided to go with HSQLDB after evaluating the features, connectivity and embed quality of both database engines.

The HSQLDB developers have suggested only 76% of the target has been met in the 1.8.0 release[2], which is the version that was integrated with OOo 2.0. They have been appealing for contributions[3] to fulfill all the feature targets, since the core database engine itself is an independent project with no external funding. users, however, can choose to connect to external full-featured SQL database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and even Oracle through ODBC or JDBC drivers. Base can hence act as a GUI frontend for SQL views, table design and query. In addition, has its own Form wizard to create dialog windows for form filling and updates.


[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] General articles and resources

[edit] Third party support

[edit] Database connection articles

Topics in database management systems (DBMS)view  talk  edit )

Database • Database model • Relational database • Relational model • Relational algebra • Primary key, Foreign key, Surrogate key, Superkey, Candidate key • Database normalization • Referential integrity • Relational DBMS • Distributed DBMS • ACID

Trigger • View • Table • Cursor • Log • Transaction • Index • Stored procedure • Partition

Topics in SQL
Select • Insert • Update • Merge • Delete • Join • Union • Create • Drop

Implementations of database management systems

Types of implementations
Relational • Flat file • Deductive • Dimensional • Hierarchical • Object oriented • Temporal • XML data stores

Query language • Query optimizer • Query plan • ODBC • JDBC

Database products

Apache Derby • Berkeley DB • Caché • DB2 • DBase • Filemaker Pro • Firebird • H2 • Helix • Informix • Ingres • InterBase • Microsoft Access • Microsoft SQL Server • MySQL • NonStop SQL • OpenLink Virtuoso • Base • Oracle • Oracle Rdb • Paradox • Perst • PostgreSQL • SQLite • Sybase IQ • Sybase • Teradata • Visual FoxPro

Other: Object-oriented (comparison) • relational (comparison)