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Onueke is the ancestral headquarters of Ezaa people, one of the most populous clans in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Ezaa people live in virtually all the three senatorial zones of Ebonyi State and beyond, but especially in Ezza North, Ezza South, Onicha, Ishielu and Ohaukwu Local Government Areas. The traditional Ezaas in these areas still return to Onueke to offer sacrifices to the graves of their progenitors, Ezekuna, and his wife, Anyigo Ezekuna. Coincidentallly, Sacred Heart Parish, Onueke, also serves as the headquarters of Christianity for Ezaa Catholics.

Onueke has been quite important politically speaking. It used to be the headquarters of the old Ezzikwo Division. It was also the headquarters of the old Ezza Local Government Area. Right now, it doubles as the headquarters of Ezza South Local Government Area and Ebonyi Central Senatorial Zone comprising Ezza South, Ezza North, Ishielu and Ikwo Local Government Areas.

Onueke derives its name from the famous Eke Imoha, one of the oldest and biggest markets in Ebonyi State. The Eke Imoha market is central to the economic life of Ezaa people. This is where the people sell their rich agricultural produce. Mainly farmers, the Ezaas produce yams, cassava, rice, cocoyams, and many other crops in abundance. These food crops, along with many other modern wares, are bought and sold in Eke market which holds every four days. The other markets in Ezaa area include Awho, Nkwo, and Oryie. Eke is considered the first and biggest of these markets.