Talk:Online dispute resolution

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can i know industrial disputes what is AIR stands for


[edit] Introductions

[edit] myclob

Hi, my name is myclob. I have a website devoted to improving Online Dispute Resolution. Someone once told me that my idea is kind of like what is advocated in David's Sling, a Science Fiction book by Marc Stiegler.

[edit] Ordered submisions

I would like to organize post into catigories, such as:

  1. Reasons to agree
  2. Reasons to disagree
  3. Books that agree
  4. Books that disagree
  5. Songs that agree
  6. Interest of those who agree
  7. Interest of those who disagree
  8. Common interest
  9. oposing interest

[edit] Rating submisions

Much like the, I believe that users should be allowed to rate post, so that better post can receave more attention.

[edit] Algorithm

I won't bore everyone here, but if you go to my website, I believe that if you organize a debate, you can use algorithms to promote good ideas, just like google promotes good websites.

Here is my website,

[edit] To do list

1. I think we need an index. 2. I think the article needs something about innovation in online debate. I mean arbitration has an expert, but most people debate without an arbitrator. There have been some innovations in this field. There is the ability to rate a post. There is the use of a thread discusion method, that lets you see who responded to who. I advocate letting people list reasons to agree or disagree, common interest, apposing interest, etc on Google, Yahoo, and MSN discusion boards.

Most online debate happens on these discusion boards, but this post focuses on scholarly stuff, that is usually ignored by most people. Can we add something about online debate as used on discusion boards, and in chat rooms?