On the Liberty of the Rodians

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On the Liberty of the Rodians (Greek: Υπὲρ τῆς Ροδίων ἐλευθερίας) is one of the first political orations of the prominent Athenian statesman and orator Demosthenes. It was delivered in 351 BC, probably after the First Philippic, and constitutes one of the initial political interventions of Demosthenes.

In 357 BC Rhodes left the Athenian alliance and fought against Athens in Byzantium and Chios. Nonetheless, the island was conquered after a few years by Mausolus of Halicarnassus, who sent away the members of the democratic faction and imposed his own oligarchic government. The democrats of Rhodes asked Athens' assistance and spoke to Demosthenes, who was already famous for his rhetorical charisma.

In On the Liberty of the Rodians, the orator opposed once again Eubulus' principle for no intervention in the internal affairs of the other Greek cities. Thereby, he maintained that Athens should support the democratic faction of the Rodians. Nonetheless, it seems that the orator did not manage to convince his countrymen, who refused to send any troops to Rhodes.

Demosthenes' orations 
Political orations Olynthiacs 1-2-3 | First Philippic | On the Peace | Second Philippic | On the Halonnesus | On the Chersonese | Third Philippic | Fourth Philippic | Reply to Philip | Philip | On Organisation | On the Navy | For the Megalopolitans | On the Liberty of the Rodians | On the Accession of Alexander
Judicial orations On the Crown | On the False Embassy | Against Leptines | Against Meidias | Against Androtion | Against Aristocrates | Against Timocrates | Against Aristogiton 1-2 | Against Aphobus 1-2-3 | Against Ontenor 1-2 | Against Zenothemis | Against Apatourius | Against Phormio | Against Lacritus | For Phormio | Against Pantaenetus | Against Nausimachus and Xenopeithes | Against Boeotus 1-2 | Against Spudias | Against Phaenippus | Against Macartatus | Against Leochares | Against Stephanus 1-2 | Against Evergus and Mnesibulus | Against Olympiodorus | Against Timotheus | Against Polycles | On the Trierarcic Crown | Against Callipus | Against Nicostratus | Against Conon | Against Callicles | Against Dionysodorus | Against Eubulides | Against Theocrines | Against Naeara
Epideictic orations Funeral Oration | Erotic Essay