Oms en Série

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Oms en Série (Oms by the Dozen) is a French science fiction novel written by Stefan Wul, first published in 1957. It was later adapted into the animated film La Planète sauvage (Fantastic Planet, 1973).

[edit] Summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The story, set in the far future, deals with Oms (a play on the French word hommes meaning "men"), tiny people from Terre (French for "Earth"), who have been brought by the giant Draags to their home planet, Ygam. Some Oms are domesticated as pets, but others run wild in parks, and are exterminated every 2 Draag years (1 Draag day=45 Earth days). The Draags' treatment of the Oms is ironically contrasted with their high level of technological and spiritual development. The protagonist is a domesticated Om named Terr (short for "terrible") who runs away and joins a group of wild Oms. He has learned some of the Draags' scientific knowledge while in captivity, and uses this to forge a new, equal relationship with the Draags.

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