Omega class destroyer

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Omega class

Churchill ramming the Roanoke
First appearance
Affiliation Earth Alliance
General Characteristics
Class Destroyer
Fighters Starfuries
Armaments Pulse cannon turrets
X-Ray laser cannons

The Omega class destroyer is the primary warship used by the Earth Alliance in the science fiction series Babylon 5 in the late 23rd century.


[edit] Omega Class

The Omega class is a heavy warship which serves many of the primary functions for the post-Minbari War 'Earth Alliance' military. It is a heavily-armed front line destroyer that also carries several squadrons of Starfuries for fighter support. The class was developed following the Earth-Minbari war and is based heavily on the design of the older Nova class dreadnought. However, the Omega-class destroyers are significantly longer than the dreadnought due to the addition of a central rotating section that provides a 1-g, simulated gravity environment. Built upon a hollow magnetized driveshaft, the rotating central section is used for habitation. It contains the crew quarters, medical bay, main computer systems, and the ship's three control centers. The forward and aft sections are zero-g, and consist of the Hangar (forward) and Engineering (aft) sections.

Omega-Class destroyers are heavily armed with weapons developed during and after the Earth-Minbari War. Their arsenal includes 18 pulse cannon turrets and 18 X-Ray particle/lasers based on technology the Narn stole from the Centauri Republic and sold to the Earth Alliance. The two forward hangar racks have sufficient capacity to carry up to 36 Starfuries of varying types.

The crew complement for an Omega Class destroyer may vary from 360 to more than 1000 (EAS Cerberus crew was 360, and in the episode End Game Franklin states there may be 1000 people on each destroyer.) Also death toll of the Roanake was stated at 547. Those variations may be crew requirements due to mission profile (ie: additional troops).

The Omega-Class was the central combat vessel to both sides of the Earth civil war, in which forces led by John Sheridan attempted to overthrow President Morgan Clark.

[edit] Shadow Enhanced Omega Class Ships

Referred to as the 'Omega-X' class, these warships were developed to test experimental technology acquired by President Morgan Clark's regime prior to the Earth Civil War of 2261. Excavations of ancient Shadow vessels found on Mars and Ganymede had yielded a few technological advancements far beyond standard Earth Alliance technology despite many workings of the Shadow vessels being completely beyond the comprehension of every scientist assigned to study them. Most notably, fusion beam weapons and aspects of shadow organic armor were successfully reverse-engineered.

The arrival of the White Star fleet and the rebel faction's string of victories forced Clark to order his engineers to send the experimental testbed warships into action against Sheridan's forces. These ships were still incomplete, possibly with inexperienced crews; however, their weaponry and new armor proved to be nearly a match for the White Stars sent up against them. A fleet of twenty White Stars suffered heavy casualties, but were able to completely destroy twenty modified Omegas.

After this engagement, no additional Omega-X destroyers were built. Following their destruction, Earth's methods of producing Shadow bio-armor were lost, but other advancements were built into the subsequent generation of Warlock class destroyers.

The understanding gained here may have been used to create a powerful bio-warship that was running wild during the exodus of the Technomages. This bio-ship destroyed the EAS Ceberus and later self-destructed. The only survivor of the incident was one Ensign, Matthew Gideon, later Captain of the IAS Excaliber in Crusade.

[edit] Appearance

The Omega destroyer bears a close resemblance to one other ship seen in science fiction, the Alexei Leonov from the 1984 film 2010: The Year We Make Contact. The design could also very loosely be compared to one Star Wars design, the Medical Frigate from The Empire Strikes Back, which shares some general similarities in profile with the Omega, while lacking the rotating midsection.

The Omega contains a red-lit docking bay in the bow, a common feature in Earthforce starships, as well as the Babylon Stations. The inward-angled ventral portion of the ship's prow is reminiscent of the cheek-guards of a soldier's helmet of the Greco-Roman era. The advanced Omega destroyers engaged by Ivanova's White Stars were similar to standard Omegas, but had black semi-organic hulls and spines reminiscent of the Shadow warships from which they derived their technical advances.

[edit] Known Omega Class Vessels

  • EAS Acheron - Delivered Captain Elizabeth Lockley to Babylon 5 in 2262 so that she could assume command of the station following Captain John Sheridan's election to the post of President of the Interstellar Alliance.
  • EAS Achilles - First Omega-class destroyer Built.
  • EAS Agamemnon - John Sheridan was the Captain of this ship before being reassigned to the command of Babylon 5. He later commanded the final battle of the Earth Civil War from this ship.
  • EAS Agrippa - Captained By Dexter Smith One of Four ships sent by President Clark to seize Babylon 5 on 4-14-2260 to prevent its secession from the Earth Alliance. Destroyed by Babylon 5's defense grid during the battle.
  • EAS Alexander - One of the key vessels involved in the Earth civil war of 2260 - 2261.
  • EAS Anubis- Mentioned by General Thompson in 2267.
  • EAS Apollo - General Lefcourt's flagship during the final stages of the Earth Civil War in 2261. Led a fleet of Earth destroyers to oppose Sheridan near Mars. Saved Sheridan by destroying the orbital defense platform he was about to ram.
  • EAS Cadmus - Fought for President Clark in the Earth civil war. Commanded by Captain Leo Frank.
  • EAS Cerberus - Destroyed by a Shadow warship while on deep patrol circa 2257. Only Ensign Matthew Gideon survived the attack.
  • EAS Charon - Captained by Leonard Anderson. Fought on the side of President Clark during the Earth Civil War in 2261. Later took over command of the Victory during Babylon 5: A Call to Arms.
  • EAS Churchill - Captained by Sandra Hiroshi. One of the ships on the resistance side of the Earth civil war. Destroyed on 4-15-2260 when her captain rammed her into the EAS Roanoke after taking heavy damage defending Babylon 5 from President Morgan Clark's forces. The Churchill's first and last appearance was in the Season 3 Episode "Severed Dreams"
  • EAS Damocles - Fought on the side of President Clark during the Earth Civil War in 2261. Disabled in battle near Beta IX.
  • EAS Delphi - Fought for President Clark in the 2261 Earth civil war.
  • EAS Furies - Involved in the 2261 blockade of Proxima III. She decided to stand down rather than fire on Sheridan's forces. She joined Sheridan's forces following the battle.
  • EAS Excalibur - One of the EarthForce ships sent to stop General Hague's coup off the transfer point in Io. She was disabled during the firefight, allowing Hague's EAS Alexander to escape.
  • EAS Heracles - One of two vessels that attacked civilian vessels attempting to leave Proxima III in 2261. Flagship of the Proxima III blockade force. Commanded by Captain Trevor Hall, who was later relieved of command by his executive officer, Commander Sandra Levitt. Taken to Beta IX for repairs following liberation of Proxima by Captain John Sheridan. Commander Levitt kept the Heracles a neutral ship for the rest of the war.
  • EAS Hermes- Flagship of the fleet that fought the Drakh during the Battle of Earth, 2267.
  • EAS Hydra - Fought for President Clark in the 2261 Earth civil war.
  • EAS Juno - Involved in the 2261 blockade of Proxima III. Withdrew without engaging Sheridan's forces.
  • EAS Medusa - Stationed near the rebellious mining colony at Regula 4 in 2267.
  • EAS Nemesis - Involved in the blockade of Proxima III in 2261, where she was disabled and surrendered to Sheridan’s forces. However, she is seen amongst General Lefcourt's fleet at Mars near the end of the Earth Civil War, so it seems the ship rejoined Clark’s forces following after-action repairs.
  • EAS Nimrod - Sent by President Clark to support the seizure of Babylon 5 on 4-15-2260. Retreated following Delenn's arrival.
  • EAS Olympic - Sent by President Clark to support the seizure of Babylon 5 in 2260. Retreated following Delenn's arrival.
  • EAS Orion - Fought on the side of President Clark during the Earth Civil War in 2261, when she was disabled in battle near Beta IX. In 2267, was stationed with EAS Medusa at Regula 4.
  • EAS Persephone - Lost in action following the Drakh attack on Earth in 2267. Pursued and forced a Drakh ship down on Ceti 4, but was destroyed when battle damage caused the fusion reactors to overload. Only a message drone survived.
  • EAS Pollux - One of two vessels involved in illegal attacks on civilian vessels in 2261. She was destroyed in 2261 when a severely damaged White Star vessel collided with her.
  • EAS Pournelle - On Mars patrol in the 2250's and saw action during the 2258 Mars Rebellion, where she shot down Abel Horn's escape ship. However, it is indicated on screen that this is not a destroyer, but rather a cruiser. It is therefore possible that the Pournelle is a different ship based on the Nova/Omega heritage.
  • EAS Roanoke - Sent by President Clark On 4-14-2260 to seize Babylon 5. Destroyed on 4-15-2260 when rammed by the destroyer EAS Churchill (Severed Dreams). When John Sheridan was captured by the Earth Alliance in 2261, he was accused of destroying the vessel himself.
  • EAS Talos - Supervised decommissioning of Babylon 5 in 2281.
  • EAS Theseus - Part of Sheridan's fleet during the assault on Earth's Planetary Defense Network near the end of the Earth Civil War in 2261.
  • EAS Vesta - Involved in the 2261 blockade of Proxima III. Commanded by Captain Edward MacDougan. Refused to fire on civilian refugees, and stood down rather than fight Sheridan. Following the battle at Proxima III, the Vesta joined Sheridan's fleet and fought in a number of engagements against Clark's forces.
  • EAS Zeus - Part of General Lefcourt's fleet near Mars near the end of the Earth Civil War in 2261. ("Endgame")

[edit] External links