Ombra mai fu

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Ombra mai fu is an aria from the opera Serse by George Frideric Handel.

The title, which translates from the Italian as Shade there never was, is the first aria of the opera. It is sung by the main character, Serse (or "Xerxes"), in praise of a tree's shade as he sits underneath it. It is commonly known as Handel's "Largo" and although the opera was a commercial failure, lasting only five performances in London after its premiere, in the 19th century the aria was rediscovered and became one of Handel's most well-known pieces. It has often been arranged for other instruments, including solo piano, violin and piano, and groups of strings, often with the full title "Largo from Xerxes."

[edit] Verses

Ombra mai fu
di vegetabile,
cara ed amabile,
soave più.

Never was shade
Of plant
More dear, amiable and sweet.

[edit] Trivia

  • An arrangement of this aria was the first piece of music ever broadcast across the Atlantic.
  • Thornton Wilder specifies "Handel's Largo" as prelude to the Act II wedding in his famous play Our Town, and the melody is mentioned by the Stage Manager in Act I.

[edit] References/External Links

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