Olga Hahn-Neurath

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Olga Hahn-Neurath (July 20, 1882 - July 20, 1937) was an Austrian mathematician and philosopher. She is best known for being a member of the Vienna Circle. Sister of the mathematician Hans Hahn.

Born in Vienna, Hahn had finish her first Degree in Sociology on Vienna Gymnasium, a year later she enrolled as a constant hearer for math and philosophy studies in Vienna University. Later on she became the third ever philosophy research student. Her work, published at 1911, received great complements from her instructor, Adolf Stoler, (the replacement of Ludwig Boltzmann). Her main interest in math was in the field of Boolean Algebra.

In 1912 she married Otto Neurath whom she met during her studies. Olga, who became blind in 1922, had become a regular participant In the Vienna Circle discussions two years later. In February 1934, while she attended Moscow, her membership at the circle and in "Ernest Mach Society" had become illegal. Therefor she fled, togethor with her husband through Poland and Denmark to the Nederland, where she, three years later in The Hague, died.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • Her biography (German) [1]
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