Old Kingdom (Old Kingdom Series)

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The Old Kingdom is a country in Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series.

Map of the Old Kingdom and Ancelstierre.
Map of the Old Kingdom and Ancelstierre.

[edit] Geography in Relation to Surroundings

The Old Kingdom lies north of Ancelstierre and is separated from it by The Wall, one of the five Great Charters and a source of Charter Magic. Seas lie on either side, and the northern border is composed of mountains, some of which comprise the Clayr's Glacier.

[edit] Major Locations Within the Old Kingdom

  • The Clayr's Glacier: Located in the northern mountain rangers of the old kingdom, the glacier is the home of the prophetic Clayr as well as the source of the River Ratterlin.
  • Belisaere: The Capital city of the Old Kingdom is connected to the mainland by a land bridge. Access to the sea makes the city a prime site for trading and sea travel.