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Observation data
Equinox 2000
Constellation Carina
Right ascension 10h 53m 17.91s
Declination -61° 24' 20.3"
Apparent magnitude (V) 15.55
Distance ~5000 ly
(~1500 pc)
Spectral type G or K
Other designations

OGLE-TR-111 is a distant yellow or orange dwarf star about 5000 light-years away in the constellation Carina. Being a magnitude 15.55 star it was not remarkable in any way and was not listed in any star catalogues.


[edit] Planets

[edit] OGLE-TR-111b

Orbital elements
Semi-major axis a: 0.047 ± 0.001 AU
Eccentricity e: 0
Orbital period P: 4.01610 d
Inclination i: 86.5 - 90°
Longitude of
periastron ω:
Time of periastron τ: 2,452,330.44867 JD
Physical characteristics
Mass: 0.53 ± 0.11 MJ
Radius: 1.0 RJ
Density:  ? kg/
Temperature:  ? K
Discovery date: 2002
Detection method(s): Transit
Discoverer(s): Udalski, Szewczyk,
Żebruń et al.

OGLE-TR-111b is an extrasolar planet orbiting star OGLE-TR-111.

In 2002 the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) survey detected that the light from the star periodically dimmed very slightly every 4 days, indicating a planet-sized body transiting the star. But since the mass of the object had not been measured, it was not clear if it was a true planet, low-mass red dwarf or something else. In 2004 radial velocity measurements showed unambiguously that the transiting body is indeed a planet.

The planet is probably very similar to the other "hot Jupiters" orbiting nearby stars. Its mass is about half that of Jupiter and it orbits the star at a distance less than 1/20th that of Earth from the Sun.

OGLE-TR-111b has similar mass and orbital distance as the first transiting planet, HD 209458 b (dubbed "Osiris"). But unlike it, the planet has a radius comparable to Jupiter which is typical to other transiting planets detected by OGLE. However, those other planets tend to be more massive and orbit even closer than typical "hot Jupiters". Therefore this planet is an important "missing link" between the different types of transiting planets.

[edit] OGLE-TR-111c

Orbital elements
Semi-major axis a: 0.12 ± 0.01 AU
Eccentricity e:  ?
Orbital period P: 16.0644 ± 0.0050 d
Inclination i: 88-89°
Longitude of
periastron ω:
Time of periastron τ:  ? JD
Physical characteristics
Mass: 0.7 ± 0.2 MJ
Radius: 0.85 ± 0.15 RJ
Density: 1,400 ± 300 kg/
Temperature:  ? K
Discovery date: 2005 (TBC)
Detection method(s): Transit
Discoverer(s): Minniti

OGLE-TR-111c is a possible extrasolar planet orbiting star OGLE-TR-111. It was first proposed in 2005 based on preliminary evidence from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) survey. More data is required to confirm this planet candidate. If it is confirmed, OGLE-TR-111 would become the first star with a pair of transiting planets.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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