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OGHET - An acronym by which the Scientific Method can be remembered.

Observe - Look for patterns in the process you are interested in. Ask questions about the underlying nature of what you perceive. Keep a journal.

Generalize - Decided on which patterns are most prominent and seem to best determine cause and affect outcomes. Write your ideas in your journal.

Hypothesize - Find the beginning points or inputs of the process you are observing and state how these are transformed by the process into an output. Formally write down the prominent pattern(s) you perceive in a manner that you can test. Keep your ideas concise and express them in a way that will help you design experiments. Experiments must be repeatable and have quantifiable outcomes.

Experiment – Perform a test about your hypothesis, or let others experiment with it. Design a system or method that is repeatable and allows you to collect data that can be analyzed. The experiment should have inputs that are used in a manner consistent with your hypothesis to produce an outcome or output. The experiment allows you to collect data in order to test if the outcome is what your hypothesis said it would be.

Theorize – Using your data and principles of reasoning write down in a formal way the simple truth that is supported by your data and experimental procedure. Let others read and comment on it (this is the hard part.)