Oflag VII-A Murnau

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Various items of daily use from Murnau
Various items of daily use from Murnau

Oflag VII-A Murnau was a German Army POW camp for Polish Army officers and generals during World War II. It was located in the Bavarian town of Murnau am Staffelsee.

The camp was created in 1939. It consisted of a square, flat terrain 200 by 200 metres, surrounded with barbed wire and guarding towers. Immediately after the Polish Defensive War of 1939 some 1000 Polish officers were imprisoned there. On April 27, 1942, additional Polish POWs were transferred there from the so-called Generals' camp Oflag VIII-E in Johannisbrunn in Czechoslovak Silesia. After the failed Warsaw Uprising and the Operation Tempest new prisoners were brought there from Poland. By early 1945 the number of prisoners of war held in the camp reached over 5,000.


[edit] List of notable prisoners

Among those imprisoned in Murnau were:

[edit] Rear Admiral

[edit] Division Generals (Lt. Gen.)

[edit] Brigade Generals

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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