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Aquatic deities

In Greek and Roman mythology, the Oceanids were the three thousand daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. One of these many daughters was also said to have been the wife of the god Poseidon, though throughout legend it is never specified which to whom he was wed. Each of these nymphs was the patron of a particular spring, river, ocean, lake, pond, pasture, flower or cloud. Oceanus and Tethys also had 3000 sons, the river-gods. Whereas most sources limit the term Oceanids or Oceaniades to the daughters, others include both the sons and daughters under this term.[1]


[edit] List of Oceanids[2][3][4]

  1. Acaste
  2. Admete
  3. Aethra
  4. Amaltheia
  5. Amphiro
  6. Amphitrite - Usually counted as a goddess of the sea
  7. Argia
  8. Asia or Clymene - Nymph of the Asian region, sister to Europe
  9. Beroe
  10. Beroe 2 - Nymph of the City of Beirut
  11. Bolbe
  12. Callirrhoe
  13. Calypso
  14. Caphira
  15. Cerceis
  16. Ceto
  17. Chryseis
  18. Clio
  19. Clymene
  20. Clytie or Clytia
  21. Daira
  22. Dione
  23. Doris - Oceanid of "pure water", wife of the sea god Nereus
  24. Eidyia or Idyia
  25. Electra
  26. Ephyra
  27. Eudore
  28. Europe
  29. Eurynome
  30. Galaxaure
  31. Hippo
  32. Ianira
  33. Ianthe - Nymph of violet rain clouds or violet flowers
  34. Leucippe
  35. Lysithea
  36. Melia
  37. Meliboea
  38. Menestho
  39. Merope
  40. Metis - Goddess of wisdom, first spouse of Zeus
  41. Nemesis
  42. Ocyrrhoe
  43. Pasithoe
  44. Peitho
  45. Periboea
  46. Perse or Perseis
  47. Petraea
  48. Philyra
  49. Pleione - Mother of the Pleiades by Atlas
  50. Plouto or Pluto - Mother of Tantalus
  51. Polydora
  52. Prymno
  53. Rhode or Rhodia
  54. Styx - Oceanid of the river Styx that flowed nine times around Hades the only female river spirit
  55. Telesto
  56. Thoe
  57. Tyche
  58. Urania
  59. Zeuxo

Others: the text by Hyginus (Fabulae) is corrupted in places, making the names of a few of the Oceanids uncertain: *yaea; *lyris, *clintenneste.[5]

[edit] List of River-gods[6][7]

  1. Achelous
  2. Acheron
  3. Aeas
  4. Aegaeus
  5. Aesepus
  6. Almo
  7. Alpheus
  8. Amphrysos
  9. Apidanus
  10. Ardescus
  11. Asopus
  12. Asterion
  13. Axius
  14. Caicus
  15. Cayster
  16. Cebren
  17. Cephissus
  18. Chremetes
  19. Cladeus or Kladeos
  20. Clitunno (Roman mythology)
  21. Cocytus
  22. Cratais
  23. Crinisus
  24. Cydnos
  25. Enipeus
  26. Erasinus
  27. Eridanus
  28. Euphrates
  29. Evenus
  30. Granicus
  31. Haliacmon
  32. Heptaporus
  33. Hermus
  34. Inachus
  35. Istrus or Ister
  36. Ladon
  37. Meander
  38. Mincius
  39. Nessus
  40. Nilus
  41. Numicius
  42. Nymphaeus
  43. Pactolus
  44. Parthenius
  45. Phasis
  46. Peneus
  47. Rhesus
  48. Rhine
  49. Rhodius
  50. Sangarius
  51. Scamander
  52. Simoeis
  53. Sperchius
  54. Strymon
  55. Termessus
  56. Tiberinus (Roman mythology)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae, Preface [1]
  2. ^ Hesiod, Theogony, 346; http://www.theoi.com/Text/HesiodTheogony.html
  3. ^ Apollodorus, Library 1.2.2; [2]
  4. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae, Preface [3]: Note that the text is corrupted in places, making the names of some of the daughters illegible.
  5. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae, Preface [4]
  6. ^ Hesiod, Theogony, 334; [5]
  7. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae, Preface [6]

[edit] See also