
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ObjectARX is an API for customizing and extending AutoCAD. It provides access to a class-based model of AutoCAD drawings and interactions with the AutoCAD user. There are two related current versions of the API; one is for C++ for native compilation, and the other is for the .NET platform, though AutoCAD objects in the .NET version are not garbage collected.

ObjectARX is a set of function exposed to extend Autodesk products by which you can customize you CAD Application from Autodesk, IntelliCAD also has introduced a variant of ObjectARX which is currently been tested.

There are application which can be used to customize your needs which can perform a lot of complicated operations and repetative works in a very less time.

[edit] External links

[edit] ObjectARX Service Provider links

  • Offers [[CAD programming] and [[CAD Customization]] services and other CAD Services]
  • [[CAD programming] and [[CAD Customization]] services company focused on Adding Value to CAD Application]