Oberon High School

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Oberon High School is a secondary school located in Belmont, Geelong, Victoria, Australia (Melways Ref Map 465 G2). It caters for students in Year 7 until Year 12. The current principal is Mr Ralph Shaw.

Oberon High School
Growth & Understanding
Established 1963
Principal Mr Ralph Shaw
Location Belmont, VIC, Australia
Homepage Oberon High School


[edit] School profile

Established in 1963, Oberon High School is a single campus years 7 - 12 school situated in Belmont approximately 7 km south of the centre of Geelong. The student population of 1300 is drawn from a very wide urban, rural and coastal areas. It is in close proximity to three other large secondary colleges (two state and one non-government) and shares a common boundary with a state primary school.

The school offers a comprehensive program which includes a core curriculum in year 7 - 8 (English, Mathematics, Science, LOTE - Japanese, German, Indonesian, Technology, Arts, Studies of Society and Environment, Health and Physical Education). Students in these year levels experience up to eight different areas of Art/Technology during the two years. At years 9 to 12 a wide range of pathways are available. These include VCE, Vocational Education Training (VET), Victoran Certifi cate of Applied Learning (VCAL) and school-based apprenticeships. Students are encouraged to select units of work from across year levels and do not need to stay in their nominal year level, but rather select units which best meet their interest and abilities.

The school has computer facilities, which are continually upgraded. The library is a fi ne resource and boasts up to date learning technologies. The gymnasium and music/drama complex provide fi rst class facilities for physical education and the performing arts. The school offers extensive extra–curricular activities. A variety of team and individual sporting pursuits are provided, all leading to state level. An annual drama production, House musical afternoons, concerts, jazz bands, instrumental music tuition and a range of choral groups comprise a comprehensive performing arts program. A structured camps and tours program is offered at year 7 – 10, and international student exchanges are arranged with sister schools in Germany, Indonesia and Japan. An annual Arts Festival and special subject weeks, for example Science week, Book week or Maths week provide an extension to the curriculum program.

Enrichment experiences are an important part of school life and include Enterprise Education, Young Achievers, Rostrum of Youth, debating, Tournament of Minds, national Mathematics and Science competitions, community service and the Duke of Edinburgh Certifi cate.

School uniform is compulsory for years 7 to 11. Year 12 students are able to wear neat casual dress with a VCE top. Uniform, books and stationery items can be purchased at the school. A strong emphasis is placed on a caring, supportive environment with student welfare and management provided via a vertical house structure for years 7 to 10 and at VCE level for senior students. House leaders and VCE co-ordinators are responsible for the student welfare and management role and are supported by the School Chaplain, the Student Welfare Manager and the administration. The school attracts strong community support with the School Council and Parents’ Group providing both leadership and service to the school. Positive relationships exist with neighbourhood feeder primary schools particularly through our transition and middle years programs. A three-day orientation program is highly valued by our new year 7 students and their parents.

Years 7 and 8 students have a reduced number of teachers in the core subjects thus encouraging the development of positive relationships between students and their signifi cant teachers. Together with the use of home rooms this helps to make the transition into secondary education a very positive one.

Regular feed back is sought from students and parents with collected data forming the basis of the schools ongoing review and improvement program.

The school aspires to academic excellence, striving to foster the talents of all of our students hence enabling them to gain satisfaction, confi dence and enrichment through their developing abilities. The teaching of thinking skills and problem solving techniques are an integral part of the school curriculum.

[edit] Structure

About 1400 students attend the school, under the guidance of over 120 teachers and support staff.

Oberon, a state secondary school, offers a curriculum which covers six year levels, including Years 11 and 12. The students range in age from 12 to 18 years.

[edit] Facilities

[edit] Facilities and features

As a result of the building and maintenance program Oberon High School has numerous facilities including:

  • a Food Technology centre
  • a fully-equipped gymnasium
  • a 200-seat auditorium and rehearsal rooms for the Performing Arts
  • an upgraded Science and Technology wing
  • newly-developed rooms for year 7 form groups, which include computer pods to each class constantly upgraded rooms
  • more advanced library

The school employs a maintenance manager and a gardener who work to ensure our facilities retain a high standard. We believe if students are in an environment which is well maintained, they will show respect for their surroundings and this promotes a positive attitude towards the school.

[edit] Canteen

A canteen is open at morning recess and lunchtime. It aims, with the assistance of voluntary support, to provide nutritious food at a reasonable cost . During winter a range of hot food is available.

[edit] Grounds

The school's grounds include:

  • a football and cricket oval
  • tennis courts
  • netball courts
  • basketball courts
  • a hockey field
  • handball courts
  • passive recreation areas in garden settings

Oberon is currently implementing the master plan for the grounds to maximise student use. To date a new entrance area has been developed and the decking near the canteen is proving very popular with students.[citation needed] This plan will continue to be implemented during 2005-2006.

Student involvement in grounds planning through the SRC is actively encouraged.

[edit] Computers

Oberon High School has more than 350 computers, including four fully equipped computer rooms that provide hands-on experience in a wide variety of computing environments. Additional banks of computers are also located in other rooms for each of the Key Learning Areas. The majority of classrooms have computer access. Computers are also available in the library for student use.

O.H.S. recognises that the computer, because of its capabilities, has the potential to influence teaching and learning practices at all levels of the school and in all subject areas. The use of computers in the school has become an integral part of the learning environment and the school has directed large amounts of funding to this area.

Computer awareness activities are available for all students in the compulsory and post compulsory years of their schooling, and computing is integrated into the school curriculum in a variety of subject areas.

The Internet is recognised by the school as an important resource for all Key Learning Areas, and under certain contracts is available through all curriculum computers .

Current areas of student use include: information storage and retrieval, simulation modelling, computer assisted instruction, programming, word processing, graphic communication, control technology, optional computer programming, web authoring and computer science courses are available at years 9-12. These are arranged so as to promote equal participation by both boys and girls.

All students have email access.

[edit] Energy Breakthrough

Oberon competes in the RACV Energy Breakthrough The program aims to help students develop an understanding of engineering, the environment and health. In 2006 Midnight (the new vehicle) finished 10th in the 24-Hour Hybrid Trial. The schools best result to date as predicted by Scott Calder (Oberon Racing Student Leader) in the Geelong Advertiser on the 22nd of November.

Midnight 2006 vehicle
Midnight 2006 vehicle

[edit] References

Oberon High School. Retrieval May. 19 2006