Obavještajna agencija

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The Croatian Intelligence Agency (OA) was formed by the Republic of Croatia's Security Services Law (Zakon o sigurnosnim službama Republike Hrvatske - Klasa: 200-01/02-01/01). It was voted out by the Parliament on March 21, confirmed by president Mesić on March 26 (all laws/acts etc. relating to national security must also be confirmed by the president before they are legitimate, as required by the Constitution), and came into effect April 1, 2002.

[edit] Duties

Its primary duties are stated in Chapter III., Paragraph a), Article 7, Subsection (1) of the aforementioned law and translate into English as follows:

(1) The Intelligence Agency (OA) will, through its actions abroad, gather, analyze, process and evaluate information of political, economical, security and military nature in relation to foreign countries, international government and non-government organizations, political, military and economic alliances, groups and individuals, especially all those with the intention, the possibility, or those believed to be plotting plans and covert actions to jeopardize (Croatian) national security.

(Document available in original Croatian at the Narodne Novine, electronic copy available at the Government website)

[edit] See also

  • Vojna sigurnosna agencija
  • Protuobavještajna agencija
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