Oak Point Intermediate School

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Oak Point Intermediate School is a fifth and sixth grade school that is located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. It is divided into four different atriums: Comet, Lightning, Star, and Wave. In each atrium is two floors, one for fifth grade classrooms, and the other for sixth grade classrooms. On each level is about four to five classrooms per atrium.

At Oak Point the specials are: Art, Phy Ed and Gym, and two Languages (French and Mandarin Chinese). At Oak Point, there are 21-Day rotations. Every other one is Phy Ed and Gym (they alternate days). Art is twice. However, in sixth grade, one of the rotations is swimming.

There are some sayings referring to the atriums. Here they are: Comet Makes You Vomit. Lightning is Frightning. Star is Too Far and makes you Bizzarre. Wave Makes You Shave/Brave. For the Star saying, students agree that the "Far" could have been made because the hallway to Star is considerably longer than the hallways to the other atriums.