Template:NZ Parliament

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New Zealand Parliament {{{place}}}, {{{dateday}}} {{{datemonth}}}, {{{dateyear}}} (spoken by {{{speaker}}}) {{{debatetitle}}} (accessed {{{accessdate}}})

[edit] Usage


Some of these values are mutually redundant, but alternatives are necessary.

  • place: "debates", "committees"
  • speaker: The MP name
  • dateyear: 4 digits
  • datemonth: 3 letter abbreviation (eg nov)
  • dateday: 2 digits
  • section: section numbering of the debates on the day
  • localref: internal hyper-link in the document
  • debatetitle: title of the debate
  • accessdate: date this link was made

See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:UN_document and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:UK_Parliament