Nursing assistant skills

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Nursing assistant skills are the set of learned tasks used in helping residents or patients with activities of daily living (ADLs) and providing bedside care--including basic nursing procedures--under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).

[edit] Overview

The nurse assistant must not only be very skilled in the actual procedures being performed but must also be able to make quick observations of a patient's condition and report that information back to the nurse. Due to time constraints, nurses often do not spend large amounts of time in the room with individual patients, the nursing assistant is known as the nurse's "eyes and ears".

A nurse assistant must also have a strong grasp of emergency procedures and be able to stay calm in stressful situations. They must be able to initiate a Code Blue and be certified in CPR.

[edit] Hand washing

Proper hand washing is an important part of nurse assisting. It is the first step in preventing the spread of germs. Hand washing must be performed both before and after contact with a patient. Hands that do not appear soiled can still spread disease. It is important to wash hands even when using gloves as they do not provide an absolute barrier to the transmission of disease.

[edit] Ambulation

Ambulation assistance is a set of techniques for helping patients to walk. One example is the use of a gait belt or transfer belt for patients who cannot stand on their own. The gait belt is put around the patient's waist and enables the assistant to lift the patient safely without straining his or her back. It can be used to help patients get in and out of bed, get up from a chair, or enter a walker.

Walkers help the elderly get exercise. Many elderly patients cannot walk on their own due to osteoporosis or other conditions. Exercise promotes movement, helps with circulation, helps the patient heal faster, be in better health, and ultimately have a longer, happier life.

[edit] Applying antiembolic stockings

An antiembolic stocking is a device that is used on patients under observation for (or at risk for) circulation problems. It is a high sock which applies pressure on the legs to prevent blood clots. It may also have a hole on the top or bottom of the foot for comfort, and easy access to the feet, so that the nurse assistant doesn't need to remove the sock every two hours to check circulation.

[edit] Bedpan use and output measurement

A bedpan is a device that is placed under patients who are unable to get up and use a bedside toilet or go to the restroom. It is used to catch all of the urination and bowel movement. The patient must be properly wiped and cleansed after elimination to prevent infection. The volume of urine is often measured and recorded. If a bowel movement has taken place, that is noted along with any significant characteristics of the stool.

[edit] Oral care

Denture and mouth care is very important in providing proper hygiene for patients. Teeth must be cleaned in the morning and after each meal. This will help prevent tooth decay or gum conditions that could lead to tooth loss. Clean teeth are healthy teeth.

[edit] Dressing

For the dependent patients dressing is not an easy task. In fact it is very difficult and needs to be done properly. The best way to ensure that it is done right is to dress the weak side first so that the patient can help with their strong side, and to undress the strong side first so they can help undress the weak side as much as possible.

[edit] Feeding

Patients must not be overassisted in feeding or they may stop helping themselves. Assistance should be confined to those parts of the task they cannot accomplish for themselves. For example, a patient who cannot load a spoon but is capable of conveying it to his mouth should be assisted only in loading the spoon. He should convey it to his mouth himself, even if it would be faster for the assistant to do this for him.

[edit] Hair care

Providing hair care will help patients feel good about themselves. Long-term-care facilities may have a salon where residents can have their hair done once a week just as they would at home. Hair must be maintained every day as well. Hair should be brushed from roots to ends, and care should be taken to avoid irritating the patient's scalp.

[edit] Bedmaking

Bedmaking as practiced by a nurse assistant is a skilled task that must be performed precisely. The bed must be wrinkle-free to prevent bedsores, which not only cause discomfort to the patient but can cause serious health problems. There are specific bedmaking techniques for use when a bed is occupied by a patient.

[edit] Nail care

Nail care is important to ensure that Bacteria does not enter the nail bed and cause serious infections in elderly patients. It is helpful to soak nails for at least five minutes to help loosen dirt and germs that are lodged in nail beds.

[edit] Bedbath

Due to lack of staff, patients may only get a full bath once or twice a week; on other days, patients get bedbaths. This involves cleaning the underarms, body and perineal areas.

[edit] Serving water

Fresh ice water should be offered frequently to promote hydration. It is important to encourage drinking, because it is not unusual for elderly patients to be unaware of thirst and thus be easily subject to dehydration.

[edit] Positioning

Positioning refers to a set of techniques for changing the posture of a bedridden person in order to avoid health problems such as bedsores. Many states require that bedridden persons be checked and repositioned at intervals of two hours or less.

[edit] Range-of-motion exercises

If not exercised, joints gradually lose their ability to move. Nurse assistants must be able to assist patients in performing a series of range-of-motion exercises that flex the joints of their arms, wrists, legs, fingers, hips, and feet. This aids circulation, prevents arthritis and stiffness, and speeds recovery from such conditions as strokes, seizures, and falls.

[edit] Vital signs

Vital signs (such as the patient's temperature, respiration, blood pressure, pulse, and level of pain) are often taken and recorded at least once a day depending on the physician's order. Increasing temperature can indicate infection or other disorder, decreasing temperature can indicate shock or decreased cardiac output; increasing blood pressure may require medical treatment and special diets while decreasing blood pressure may indicate shock or hemorrhage; and irregular, weak, fast, or slow pulse can indicate heart problems. If a patient's vital signs have changed significantly within a short period of time, a double check for accuracy may be warranted. Any unusual findings should be brought to the attention of a supervising nurse or doctor.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links