Nu Sigma Beta

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NΣB - Nu Sigma Beta
Founded 1937
at University of Puerto Rico
Type Social
Scope International
Flag of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Flag of United States United States
San Juan, PR, Puerto Rico
Nickname Nu Sigma
Homepage Nu Sigma Beta website

The Nu Sigma Beta Fraternity (NΣB) is a non-profit fraternal organization. It was established in 1937 at the University of Puerto Rico by several young students from diverse backgrounds.

Among the founding members were: Carlos M. Vidal, Jafet Ramirez Ledesma, Jose Antonio Luiña, Jose Enrique Del Valle, Juan Pedrosa, Luis A. Berrios, Pedro Urbiztondo, Pedro A. Mattei, Ruben Gaztambide, Baltasar Quinones Elias, Edwin Cortes Garcia, and others.

A few weeks after it was first established they had their first initiation ceremony. At this ceremony another 7 students became members. The fraternity was quickly expanding and growing in numbers. In 1939 the fraternity opened its second chapter at the UPR-Mayaguez formerly known as CAAM. This chapter became known as the Beta Chapter and the San Juan Chapter became the Alpha. The Fraternity has continued to grow and has expanded to almost all universities within Puerto Rico and beyond. Today almost 70 years after its founding, there have been and/or are chapters in the Dominican Republic and the United States. The fraternity is in the process of opening chapters in places such as Cornell University and others. Recently the fraternity organized and opened a professional chapter (Nu) at the Pontificial Catholic University of Puerto Rico, School of Law. The members of this chapter are all lawschool students.

The fraternity is organized into Zones and Chapters. Those still in college participate in chapters while those who are not in college are in zones. Those who graduate college are transferred from the chapters into zones.

The fraternity is dedicated to the creation of useful citizens. Because of this, the fraternity has many community based programs. Such as drug prevention campaings and blood drives for local hospitals and the American Red Cross. Nu Sigmas are active in the community participating in environmental campaings like SCUBA Dogs helping clean up our beaches.

This fraternity has many well known and respected members such as; Former mayor of Ponce Rafael 'Churumba' Cordero (R.I.P.) and others.

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[edit] See also

Concilio Interfraternitario Puertorriqueño de la Florida